FTSE AIM All-Share IndexFTSE AIM All-Share IndexFTSE AIM All-Share Index

FTSE AIM All-Share Index

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AXX components

The FTSE AIM All-Share Index constituents can be found in the table below. Sort AXX stock components by various financial metrics and data such as performance, dividends, income statement and balance sheet.
Market cap
Change %
Rel Volume
EPS dil
EPS dil growth
Div yield %
Analyst Rating
JET2JET2 PLC ORD GBP0.01253.77 B USD1,355 GBX+1.96%300.57 K0.456.622.74 USD+15.54%1.14%Consumer services
Strong buy
BURBURFORD CAPITAL LTD ORD NPV (DI)2.98 B USD1,049 GBX+2.24%281.93 K1.1720.830.63 USD−77.26%0.95%Finance
Strong buy
HCMHUTCHMED (CHINA) LIMITED ORD USD0.12.73 B USD243 GBX+2.53%18.25 K0.45−0.05 USD−40.79%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
DATAGLOBALDATA PLC ORD GBP0.00011.63 B USD158.0 GBX−1.86%1.1 M0.4543.410.05 USD−3.96%2.92%Commercial services
Strong buy
GGPGREATLAND GOLD ORD GBP0.0011.61 B USD9.49 GBX−0.11%67.46 M1.13316.330.00 USD0.00%Non-energy minerals
GAMAGAMMA COMMUNICATIONS PLC ORD GBP0.00251.59 B USD1,278 GBX−0.16%776.02 K2.3921.990.73 USD+10.68%1.40%Communications
Strong buy
SRCSIGMAROC PLC ORD GBP0.011.37 B USD95.0 GBX+5.20%15.93 M2.10−0.01 USD−109.72%0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
YCAYELLOW CAKE PLC ORD GBP0.011.21 B USD431.0 GBX+0.47%626.06 K0.536.820.85 USD−68.67%0.00%Distribution services
Strong buy
FEVRFEVERTREE DRINKS PLC ORD GBP0.00251.15 B USD705.5 GBX+1.73%489.3 K0.9937.670.24 USD+83.81%2.42%Consumer non-durables
PANRPANTHEON RESOURCES ORD GBP0.011.04 B USD70.4 GBX+0.28%2.73 M0.48−0.01 USD−531.25%0.00%Energy minerals
Strong buy
LTGLEARNING TECHNOLOGIES GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.003751.02 B USD99.6 GBX+0.10%597.55 K0.1018.040.07 USD+69.85%1.67%Technology services
GBGGB GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.025984.77 M USD301.0 GBX+1.28%378.46 K0.6893.480.04 USD1.41%Technology services
Strong buy
GRPGREENCOAT RENEWABLES PLC ORD EUR0.01 (CDI)912.26 M USD0.756 EUR0.00%75.78 K0.4514.630.06 USD−44.87%8.99%Finance
CVSGCVS GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.002905.02 M USD974 GBX+0.62%233.79 K0.7040.380.30 USD−51.21%0.83%Health services
PAFPAN AFRICAN RESOURCES ORD GBP0.01861.39 M USD38.60 GBX+6.48%11.14 M1.7811.560.04 USD+6.71%2.65%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
CRWCRANEWARE PLC ORD GBP0.01852.68 M USD1,880 GBX+2.17%83.07 K1.3570.940.34 USD+22.80%1.58%Technology services
Strong buy
JHDJAMES HALSTEAD ORD GBP0.05807.81 M USD148.5 GBX+0.68%260.18 K0.7214.910.13 USD−2.06%5.76%Producer manufacturing
Strong buy
UPRUNIPHAR PLC ORD EUR0.08 (CDI)750.63 M USD224 GBX−0.88%3.95 K0.1911.510.24 USD+36.70%0.70%Distribution services
Strong buy
CHRTCOHORT ORD GBP0.10738.25 M USD1,260 GBX+1.61%102.86 K0.6026.460.61 USD+46.16%1.24%Electronic technology
Strong buy
JSGJOHNSON SERVICE GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.10731.78 M USD136.4 GBX+2.40%1.88 M1.7516.030.11 USD+32.35%2.40%Commercial services
Strong buy
RNWHRENEW HOLDINGS ORD GBP0.10692.04 M USD675 GBX+1.66%256.02 K0.9312.850.70 USD−4.07%2.86%Industrial services
Strong buy
SQZSERICA ENERGY PLC ORD USD0.10664.47 M USD131.2 GBX+0.92%825.44 K0.47−0.03 USD−103.78%17.69%Energy minerals
Strong buy
MPEM.P. EVANS GROUP ORD GBP0.10662.27 M USD980 GBX+0.20%15.35 K0.4410.041.23 USD+42.10%4.86%Process industries
Strong buy
VLXVOLEX PLC ORD GBP0.25647.59 M USD272.5 GBX+0.93%220.26 K0.4414.520.25 USD+10.15%1.59%Producer manufacturing
Strong buy
NICLNICHOLS ORD GBP0.10629.17 M USD1,330 GBX+1.92%17.27 K0.5927.240.61 USD−2.96%2.34%Consumer non-durables
JDGJUDGES SCIENTIFIC ORD GBP0.05602.42 M USD7,000 GBX+2.64%9.13 K0.5431.242.83 USD+71.06%1.43%Electronic technology
YNGAYOUNG & CO'S BREWERY 'A'ORD GBP0.125597.85 M USD848 GBX+0.47%47.34 K0.5839.570.29 USD−55.20%2.66%Consumer services
Strong buy
YNGNYOUNG & CO'S BREWERY NON VTG ORD GBP0.125597.85 M USD578 GBX+1.76%30.05 K0.3426.970.29 USD−55.20%3.95%Consumer services
Strong buy
AMSADVANCED MEDICAL SOLUTIONS GROUP ORD GBP0.05585.85 M USD211.0 GBX+4.20%1.47 M1.8841.370.06 USD−42.95%1.20%Health technology
RWSRWS HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.01581.48 M USD121.4 GBX+4.48%1.87 M2.269.500.17 USD10.71%Commercial services
Strong buy
MAB1MORTGAGE ADVICE BUREAU (HOLDINGS) PLC561.49 M USD748 GBX−2.86%40.5 K0.4940.090.24 USD−1.84%3.65%Finance
CERCERILLION PLC ORD GBP0.005560.01 M USD1,465 GBX+6.55%45.35 K0.8428.390.69 USD+18.21%0.96%Technology services
Strong buy
ABDPAB DYNAMICS PLC ORD GBP0.01545.56 M USD1,835 GBX+0.27%12.62 K0.2143.950.55 USD−11.86%0.42%Electronic technology
AT.ASHTEAD TECHNOLOGY HOLDINGS PLC ORD GBP0.05543 M USD522 GBX+2.55%127.85 K0.4617.300.38 USD+40.96%0.22%Industrial services
Strong buy
POLRPOLAR CAPITAL HLDGS PLC ORD GBP0.025536.13 M USD433.5 GBX+2.97%162.63 K0.5710.120.57 USD+23.58%10.93%Finance
AMRQAMAROQ MINERALS LTD COM NPV (DI)495.31 M USD96.0 GBX+1.59%235.84 K0.49−0.08 USD−438.75%0.00%Non-energy minerals
ELIXELIXIRR INTERNATIONAL PLC ORD GBP0.00005486.05 M USD786 GBX+1.16%4.49 K0.1021.550.46 USD+35.39%2.04%Commercial services
Strong buy
YOUYOUGOV ORD GBP0.002473.61 M USD313 GBX−0.32%288.42 K0.50−0.03 USD−106.88%2.87%Commercial services
TAMTATTON ASSET MGMT PLC ORD GBP0.20464.23 M USD610 GBX−1.93%16.48 K0.3124.350.33 USD+15.76%2.81%Finance
TFWTHORPE(F.W.) ORD GBP0.01451.38 M USD297 GBX−1.33%74.2 K1.7314.100.26 USD+11.72%2.25%Producer manufacturing
FDPFD TECHNOLOGIES PLC ORD GBP0.005450.42 M USD1,574 GBX+1.29%49.06 K0.24−2.33 USD−350.82%0.00%Technology services
APHALLIANCE PHARMA PLC ORD GBP0.01448.79 M USD64.1 GBX0.00%652.04 K0.08−0.08 USD−374.81%0.00%Health technology
FRPFRP ADVISORY GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.001444.16 M USD139.0 GBX+5.30%208.51 K0.4212.940.14 USD+64.22%3.86%Commercial services
Strong buy
GFMGRIFFIN MINING ORD USD0.01439.19 M USD184 GBX−0.54%40.39 K0.6520.790.11 USD+102.98%0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
PTALPETROTAL CORP COM SHS NPV (DI)418.68 M USD35.5 GBX+1.43%297.91 K0.513.940.12 USD−19.44%13.01%Energy minerals
Strong buy
EVPLEVERPLAY GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01409.77 M USD220 GBX+2.33%281.84 K0.39−0.00 USD−101.57%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
RSTRESTORE GBP GBP0.05404.34 M USD228 GBX+1.33%2.01 M3.8682.910.03 USD2.38%Commercial services
Strong buy
BIGBIG TECHNOLOGIES PLC ORD GBP0.01390.93 M USD104.0 GBX+1.46%20.46 K0.1825.680.05 USD−37.11%0.00%Electronic technology
Strong buy
NFGNEXT 15 GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.025384.31 M USD294.0 GBX+0.34%696.28 K1.105.090.74 USD+124.19%5.24%Commercial services
Strong buy
W7LWARPAINT LONDON PLC ORD GBP0.25384.01 M USD367 GBX+2.66%86.36 K0.4616.620.28 USD+104.63%2.66%Distribution services
Strong buy
VICVICTORIAN PLUMBING GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.001381.18 M USD90.0 GBX−0.22%224.36 K0.7753.250.02 USD−53.57%1.78%Retail trade
TPFGPROPERTY FRANCHISE GROUP PLC (THE) ORD GBP0.01365.79 M USD443 GBX−0.56%29.9 K0.3823.700.24 USD−18.53%3.01%Finance
Strong buy
FRANFRANCHISE BRANDS PLC ORD GBP0.005365.19 M USD145.5 GBX−0.34%26.58 K0.1636.100.05 USD+38.01%1.58%Commercial services
Strong buy
CAMLCENTRAL ASIA METALS PLC ORD USD0.01359.53 M USD152.6 GBX−0.13%442.69 K1.148.800.22 USD11.78%Non-energy minerals
FNTLFINTEL PLC ORD GBP0.01354.92 M USD263 GBX−3.31%73.63 K0.3046.380.07 USD−29.57%1.31%Commercial services
Strong buy
MXCTMAXCYTE INC COM STK USD0.01 (DI)348.83 M USD246 GBX+8.85%140.09 K5.08−0.34 USD+14.25%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
IDOXIDOX PLC ORD GBP0.01344.97 M USD58.4 GBX+2.82%589.87 K0.3450.780.01 USD−5.74%1.06%Technology services
Strong buy
342.33 M USD705 GBX−0.70%10.61 K0.705.011.81 USD+108.36%2.09%Finance
Strong buy
MRLMARLOWE PLC ORD GBP0.5342.03 M USD326 GBX0.00%536.62 K2.26−0.06 USD+68.14%0.00%Commercial services
EQLSEQUALS GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01340.27 M USD138.0 GBX0.00%515.7 K0.7733.820.05 USD+5.43%1.45%Finance
RKHROCKHOPPER EXPLORATION ORD GBP0.01321.09 M USD38.7 GBX+4.88%2.86 M1.6622.240.02 USD−64.63%0.00%Energy minerals
Strong buy
YU.YU GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.005317.49 M USD1,460 GBX+2.82%18.81 K0.956.912.67 USD+403.43%3.94%Utilities
Strong buy
NIOXNIOX GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.0008313.99 M USD61.0 GBX−2.56%999.17 K1.3723.550.03 USD+11.64%1.60%Health services
Strong buy
MIDWMIDWICH GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01309.85 M USD231 GBX−1.28%338.5 K1.4110.670.27 USD+4.04%7.05%Distribution services
FTCFILTRONIC PLC ORD GBP0.001302.09 M USD107 GBX+4.41%1.08 M0.4722.560.06 USD0.00%Electronic technology
DOTDDOTDIGITAL GROUP ORD GBP0.005294.5 M USD74.1 GBX+1.09%616.73 K0.7720.700.04 USD−8.91%1.50%Technology services
BRKBROOKS MACDONALD GROUP ORD GBP0.01293.52 M USD1,415 GBX+1.07%19.15 K0.0412.491.42 USD+176.75%5.57%Finance
LBGLBG MEDIA PLC ORD GBP0.001287.05 M USD106 GBX−4.50%71.23 K0.4527.890.05 USD+48.44%0.00%Commercial services
Strong buy
KITWKITWAVE GROUP PLC278.46 M USD257.0 GBX+4.05%378.62 K0.8311.450.29 USD−15.95%4.57%Distribution services
Strong buy
HSPHARGREAVES SERVICES ORD GBP0.10278.35 M USD652 GBX+1.88%18.37 K0.8414.780.56 USD+15.63%5.63%Commercial services
Strong buy
ASYANDREWS SYKES GROUP ORD GBP0.01277.85 M USD512 GBX0.00%110.0112.400.52 USD−3.61%5.05%Industrial services
SAAM&C SAATCHI PLC ORD GBP0.01277.11 M USD175.0 GBX0.00%217.72 K1.1820.050.11 USD0.91%Commercial services
Strong buy
FARNFARON PHARMACEUTICALS OY ORD NPV (DI)271.26 M USD183 GBX+5.80%64.21 K5.48−0.33 USD+23.51%0.00%Health technology
ADVTADVANCEDADVT LIMITED ORD NPV (DI)267.41 M USD155 GBX−1.59%158.58 K0.3022.080.09 USD0.00%Finance
Strong buy
LTHMLATHAM(JAMES) ORD GBP0.25266.64 M USD1,035 GBX0.00%12.93 K0.8110.201.36 USD−30.16%7.63%Distribution services
RCNREDCENTRIC PLC ORD GBP0.001257.25 M USD125.0 GBX+2.46%2.93 K0.04390.630.00 USD2.95%Technology services
BRCKBRICKABILITY GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01256.2 M USD61.6 GBX−0.16%1.96 M2.3624.020.03 USD−71.46%5.52%Distribution services
Strong buy
AQXAQUIS EXCHANGE PLC ORD GBP0.10251.42 M USD705 GBX0.00%70.0038.990.23 USD+2.44%0.00%Finance
FNXFONIX PLC ORD GBP0.001247.66 M USD193.0 GBX−3.26%129 K0.9218.260.13 USD+21.08%4.16%Technology services
NETNETCALL PLC ORD GBP0.05247.27 M USD115.5 GBX+4.52%431.65 K1.5137.990.04 USD−3.49%0.81%Technology services
Strong buy
SAGSCIENCE GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01244.1 M USD422 GBX−0.71%32.56 K2.1532.210.17 USD−45.89%1.88%Commercial services
Strong buy
ACSOACCESSO TECHNOLOGY GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.01240.26 M USD460 GBX0.00%56.24 K0.6327.810.21 USD+16.32%0.00%Technology services
Strong buy
GTLYGATELEY HLDGS PLC ORD GBP0.1239.51 M USD138.5 GBX0.00%165.04 K2.0731.550.06 USD−52.23%6.86%Commercial services
WNWDWINDWARD LTD ORD NPV (DI)232.52 M USD203 GBX0.00%6.51 K0.05−0.09 USD+53.96%0.00%Technology services
SUPSUPREME PLC ORD GBP0.10227.92 M USD150.0 GBX+4.53%118.93 K0.627.680.26 USD+34.53%3.48%Producer manufacturing
ITMITM POWER ORD GBP0.05226.77 M USD28.36 GBX+3.13%1.32 M0.51−0.08 USD+39.80%0.00%Producer manufacturing
4BB4BASEBIO PLC ORD EUR1224.44 M USD1,120 GBX+0.45%2920.42−0.99 USD−53.97%0.00%Health technology
Strong buy
KEYSKEYSTONE LAW GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.002220.96 M USD540 GBX+1.31%2.55 K0.1521.990.32 USD+7.30%3.51%Commercial services
Strong buy
MSIMS INTERNATIONAL ORD GBP0.10217.16 M USD1,045 GBX+1.71%10.93 K0.4214.560.92 USD+71.76%2.10%Electronic technology
VTUVERTU MOTORS PLC ORD GBP0.10217.02 M USD52.2 GBX+0.58%127.44 K0.279.680.07 USD−26.47%4.62%Retail trade
Strong buy
HATH & T GROUP ORD GBP0.05214.22 M USD376 GBX+1.08%50.41 K0.627.580.63 USD+23.27%4.70%Finance
Strong buy
OPTOPTIMA HEALTH PLC ORD GBP0.01209.84 M USD193.00 GBX+5.75%155.62 K1.090.00%Commercial services
Strong buy
CMCLCALEDONIA MINING CORP PLC ORD NPV(DI)209.05 M USD830 GBX−1.19%2.29 K1.1322.250.50 USD5.14%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
TSTLTRISTEL ORD GBP0.01200.8 M USD325 GBX+0.78%50.56 K0.4825.250.16 USD+2.47%4.19%Health technology
ANCRANIMALCARE GROUP PLC ORD GBP0.20199.25 M USD224 GBX+0.90%16.27 K0.284.210.67 USD+2,688.95%2.26%Health technology
Strong buy
BEGBEGBIES TRAYNOR GROUP ORD GBP0.05196.48 M USD95.0 GBX+1.50%628.59 K3.5965.520.02 USD+504.17%4.27%Commercial services
Strong buy
HUWHELIOS UNDERWRITING PLC ORD GBP0.10193.12 M USD210 GBX+0.48%17.75 K0.659.200.29 USD+277.24%2.88%Finance
THXTHOR EXPLORATIONS COM NPV (DI)193.05 M USD22.3 GBX+6.19%978.99 K4.733.640.08 USD+65.26%0.00%Non-energy minerals
Strong buy
BVXPBIOVENTIX PLC ORD GBP0.05192.67 M USD2,850 GBX0.00%9.57 K1.8118.641.93 USD−3.42%5.44%Health technology
MTLMETALS EXPLORATION(UK) ORD GBP0.0001191.54 M USD5.76 GBX+6.48%5.08 M1.971.080.07 USD+204.57%0.00%Non-energy minerals