Analisa IHSG dengan time frame weeklyAnalisa dari time Frame weekly , IHSG yang dari Desember mengalami window dressing, Januari mengalami koreksi dikarenakan global issue & profit taking , coba bertahan di area trend line yang terbentuk between July 2018 hingga sekarang00:11by Y-Sha4
IHSG Berhasil Menutup GapSepertinya kinerja IHSG pada tanggal 4 Februari hanya dilakukan untuk menutup Gap antara 31 Januari 2020 dengan 3 Februari 2020. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari gap up yang terjadi pada Open IHSG hari di 5940 dan closing di 5922 atau naik 0,65% dari closing IHSG pada tanggal 3 Februari 2020. Asing pun mengambil peran sangat besar pada bullish market hari ini dengan Foreign Net sebesar 143.65B dan didominasi oleh blue chip perbankan yaitu BBCA dan BBRI. Para investor Domestil masih melakukan wait and see di mana pasar belum mengindikasikan adanya rebound. IHSG sendiri sudah break support uptrend yang sudah berlangsung selama 11 tahun. IHSG masih akan mengalami pelemahan, hal ini dikarenakan karena investor asing belum berani menyuntikkan modal besar pada sektor lain selain perbankan dan investor domestik masih kurang puas dengan turunnya harga emiten IHSG. BBCA sendiri mengambil peran besar sebagai penjaga IHSG dengan market cap sebesar 813.62T dan emiten ini akan diproyeksikan sebagai titik acuan untuk terjadinya rebound IHSG. Prediksi harga terendah ada di sekitar 30000-31000. Untuk investor domestik sangat disarankan untuk wait n see dan selalu cek pergerakan asing pada emiten penggerak IHSG seperti BBCA,BBRI, dan TLKM. (source:RTI Business & Stockbit)by ksepitbUpdated 6
IHSG ke bawah 6000 IHSG masih strong dengan down trendnya menuju area 5900 anShort00:09by Y-ShaUpdated 4
IHSG Memasuki Fase Bearish, What to Do?Melanjuti ulasan IHSG kami sebelumnya: 'IHSG Belum Naik - Naik. Kerjaan Siapa?', saat ini IHSG secara teknikal sudah memasuki fase tren turun setelah berkonsolidasi panjang dari sejak pertengahan tahun 2019 ini. Bagi Anda yang mengikuti rekomendasi - rekomendasi kami, maka Anda dalam posisi minim saham, gemuk di cash. Jadi, penurunan IHSG bukan sebuah masalah, karena cash bisa disimpan di reksadana pasar uang. Pastikan memilih MI yang kredibel ya, yang tata kelolanya baik. Penurunan IHSG kami perkirakan mencapai 5874 dengan target terendah di 5691 jika momentum jual tetap kuat. MACD yang melemah menunjukkan IHSG berada dalam momentum negatif untuk saat ini. Trend following menjadi solusi bagi kita semua, memaksimalkan tren naik, dan sebaliknya menghindari tren turun dengan tidak nyangkut. Apa yang perlu dilakukan ketika tren turun? Well, simpan uang anda di reksadana pasar uang. Ketika sudah waktunya, tambahkan porsi portfolio investasi Anda membeli saham bagus di harga diskon. Ingat, ini buat strategi investor, bukan trader. Trader tetap menunggu pasar bottom reversal.Shortby galerisaham8
IHSG Belum Naik - Naik. Kerjaan Siapa?Fase rebound IHSG yang terjadi atas efek penutupan gap di 6282 - 6318 telah selesai. Setelah gap ditutup, pergerakan yang terjadi selanjutnya murni pergerakan normal. Ini normal? IHSG tidak kemana - mana itu normal? Well, technically normal. Ilmu teknikal adalah ilmu paling objektif jika digunakan dengan bijak. Namun bisa menggiring opini publik jika digunakan dengan maksud terselubung. Ya, terselubung, jika ingin mengajak orang lain membeli, dipakailah indikator yang positif. Jika ingin mengajak orang menjual, dipakailah indikator yang negatif. Kami di GaleriSaham selalu menggunakan metode dan indikator yang sama dari waktu ke waktu sehingga Anda bisa konsistensi kami, yang semua itu adalah netral. Kami adalah trader independen, jadi analisa kami harus senetral mungkin. Itu yang kita semua butuhkan, bukan? Jadi, IHSG mau kemana? Sesuai artikel IHSG sebelumnya: 'IHSG di Fase Konsolidasi Panjang, Cermati Area Penting-nya', IHSG masih berada dalam konsolidasi panjang. Cek kembali ulasan kami sebelumnya. Kami curiga, kondisi ini adalah kondisi wajar IHSG dalam beberapa waktu kedepan dan hanya saham - saham terpilih yang secara fundamental bagus yang akan bergerak positif. Tidak ada lagi istilah: IHSG naik saham saya akan naik. Forget it. Jangan memakai benchmark IHSG untuk menentukan trading plan Anda. Jangan seperti fund manager pada galerisaham5
IHSG: Are You On The BEAR or BULL Side?Jika banyak sekuritas mendowngrade target IHSG, kami masih dalam posisi dengan target IHSG kami dari sejak awal tahun. Siapa yang akan benar? Market is always right. IHSG saat ini menguji area - area resistennya di kisaran 6350 - 6470. Jika area - area ini dapat dilampaui, terbuka peluang bagi IHSG untuk kembali bergerak bullish dengan target kenaikan di 6900 dengan minor target 6633. Jika momentum kenaikan dapat dipertahankan, maka target utama ada di 7300. Apa yang bisa membuat momentum kenaikan menjadi kuat? Cek ulasan USDIDR kami. Are you on the BEAR or BULL side? By GaleriSahamLongby galerisaham3
JKSE COMPOSITE Index ChartJKSE jkse has a chance to rise now consolidation in a market usually prices will rise after the next 3 monthsLongby BangMan114
JKSE target ~5200Thanks for viewing, 1. If you entered long around the time of my previous post in October (linked) at 5756 you would be 10.5% up now, 2. There is a little way up yet (due to wave 3 of wave C being extended (finishing) and wave 4 and 5 to come, and then we should hit at around 5200 or lower. My analysis is just based on the chart and also that other regional and international equity markets are also correcting presently. I am not trading this Index, just following.Shortby flyinkiwi10Updated 2
IHSG Weekly SupportIHSG on May, 18 2019 close at 5826. Has dropped 810 points since April 18, 2019. Measuring support with fibonacci. Next suppot at area 5774 then 5678. by LindaLee0
IHSG Support resistance after election 2019IHSG now at 6405. theres 2 scenario for IHSG movement. First scenario is up. to 6530 6582 6648 even make a new all time high second scneario is down to 6337 6225. by LindaLee2
Jakarta Composite Index Is In Super Bullish Trend Based On MAHello Guys, this is my technical analysis toward JKSE Index. based on the 200 & 100-closed MA (yellow line for 100 - green line for 200), this index is showing super bullish trends. i am counting it on elliot waves in 1-W timeframe, resulted an 1-2-3-4 waves was forming well, and now it's forming the 5th waves which will be end up around 7000-7700 resistence level if previous resistence breached aka the 0-fib level. educational purpose only,tab like if you like it :)Longby UnknownUnicorn28034520
Jakarta Composite Index gonna reach all new time highAfter breakout from consolidation JCI on bullish trend right now. Soon we will see correction and there is also rumor JCI become 7000 before president election day on Aprilby dnaigo2
JCI (IHSG) Support I use some Fibonacci measurements to look for JCI daily support. Support is at the level 5753-5731, 5701- 5685, 5623. by LindaLee2
JKSE - Jakarta Stock Exchange Composite IndexSpecial Gann Technique used to identify support and resistance lines. Fibonacci levels also present to see vertical price retracement TheTrex888
JKSE45 2 bearish 1 bullish scenarioJust to update my previous post a few months ago. Scenario 1: We have seen 5 waves already and are now in a wave B triangle with another 5 waves down to come. Target S1 for -17% Support: The triangle is clearly corrective, within the triangle waves A and B have almost completed, with wave C to come. If this scenario is in play I would look to enter a short somewhere around the 0.618 fib retracement - or around there somewhere. If anyone knows of any Indonesian brokers that allow shorting please let me know in the comments. Scenario 2: My labelling isn't correct and we have have an extended 3rd wave and this is a wave 4 triangle. Target for this scenario is marked by S2. Support: If scenario 2 unfolds it shouldn't go above the red line (wave 1 price extreme). Scenario 3: The price drop labelled waves 1 - 5 is actually a double zig-zag and we are about to head for the upper trend-line again. Support: Not much really, but it could happen. The triangle correction tends to point towards one of the other two scenarios. If anyone has info please DM me. Thanks, at the moment I am not trading the JKSE45. This is published for educational purposes only.Shortby flyinkiwi102
OH NO!! Downtrend channel is forming for JKSE!!Ok, so IDR just passed psychological level of 15k, it happened right the next day after I posted my analysis where you can see it here . Low inflation create worries in the market because analysts are speculating that there might be a lower demand in the market. The September data shows a deflation of 0.18% MoM which driven from a lower food prices - broiler chicken to be specific, red onions, red chilli and chilli peppers. This downtrend channel is likely to happen because there are very little sentiment in the domestic market other than earnings 3Q18 which most likely not be very satisfying for banks (higher rates + low loan growth + higher deposits = lower NIM). Selected retailer may show some recovery and I believe the mining sector will support much of the index. If the price movement breaks the upper resistance channel, hence I can be confident there's a recovery and it can close on a 6,000ish by the end of the year...But as long as if it floats by the channel, I believe it's still a downtrend movement.Shortby DiazAdrian2
JKSE : Jakarta Composite Index ready for long rally?As we've witnessed INDEX:JKSE has 3 low on the past 4 months, Index is trying to break its key for a long uptrend phase. If Index breaks, then it forms the Inverted Head and Shoulders pattern. The first Shoulder is 5,700 before Index rebound to 6,150. The Head formation when Index fell to its lowest in 2018 at 5,557. A steady rebound bounced back to 6,100 and again facing a strong resistance in here. Now, after bounced back to the second Shoulder at 5,700 back in mid-August, is the Index ready to form Inverted Head and Shoulder IF able to break 6,100 for the second time? We should pay attention to Blue Chips shares when this happened. Longby donnyjuhari0
Down to test Important Support at 5,500JCI is continuing falling below 5,800 to test its important Support at 5,500. What previously predicted to become Bullish Reversal has turned into Bearish Continuation which means the Downtrend is assumed to be ineffective. Downtrend could easily force JCI to touch 5,500. Support at 5,500 is so important because as long as JCI doesn't break below that Support, the downtrend since 6,700 to 5,500 can still be considered a Throwback market (where JCI falls to 5,500 after broke above 5,500 in Mar'17 previously and rise to 6,800 in Feb'18). We can still hope JCI will maintain Uptrend to 7,000 after JCI touch Support at around 5,500. For the next 1-2 months, i expect to see JCI in around 5,500 - 5,600.Shortby mmdchartsUpdated 2
Composite (IHSG) JKSE Berpeluang Builsh setelah koreksi Composite sedang terkoreksi dan berpeluang untuk rebound by GREEX1