Lever Down This BullAn incredibly strong bounce over the month of November on all NASDAQ:QQQ AMEX:IWM AMEX:SPY DJ:DJI
I am getting out of my AMEX:SVIX position for now as vol is super cheap and not going to get greedy. You can see in bottom left chart of TVC:VIX my indicator is about to flip red, so I am just going to front run that.
Also the breadth in bottom right (average of AMEX:SPY and NASDAQ:QQQ breadth) is getting up there.
Let me clarify, I'm not looking to short, as everything is strong and I don't want to p*ss into the wind, but I will lever down and stay long.
Growth is going to slow, but Biden won't let this thing go to the dumps.
Everything I look at here is bullish, and a little too bullish. I got a lot of this move with leverage, so I am selling levered positions and have bought some small cap value (that might get crushed with expensive debt).