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OTPBK bonds

Below is the list of OTPBankNyrt corporate bonds. Investors often opt for a company's bonds for their increased stability in times of market volatility. Study prices, yields, and other stats and find a reliable investment.
Price %
Coupon %
Maturity date
Outstanding amt
Face value
Min denom amt
XS2586007036OTPBkNyr 8.75% 33
8.82%099.55%8.75%2033-05-15650 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDOTP Bank Nyrt
XS2642536671OTPBkNyr 7.5% 26
7.50%0100.00%7.50%2026-06-27110 M EUR1,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EUROTP Bank Nyrt
XS2536446649OTPBkNyr 7.25% 26
7.25%0100.00%7.25%2026-09-2960 M USD200,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDOTP Bank Nyrt
446VIJSCMB IPOTEKA-BANK 5.5% SNR NTS 19/11/20256.55%2 K98.97%5.50%2025-11-19300 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDIpoteka-Bank
XS256069318OTP BNK 22/26 FLR MTN
6.48%0101.09%7.35%2026-03-04650 M EUR1,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EUROTP Bank Nyrt
XS262677338OTP BNK 23/27 FLR MTN
6.33%0102.73%7.50%2027-05-25500 M USD1,000.00 USD200,000.00 USDOTP Bank Nyrt
XXS263902734OTP BANKA 23/26 FLR
5.94%0102.22%7.38%2026-06-29400 M EUR100,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURNova Kreditna banka Maribor dd
XS269860332OTP BNK 23/27 FLR MTN
4.53%0104.34%6.13%2027-10-05650 M EUR1,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EUROTP Bank Nyrt
XXS279367553OTP BANKA 24/28 FLR
4.41%0101.06%4.75%2028-04-03300 M EUR100,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EURNova Kreditna banka Maribor dd
XS291746861OTP BNK 24/30 FLR MTN
4.24%0100.07%4.25%2030-10-16500 M EUR1,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EUROTP Bank Nyrt
XS275449164OTP BNK 24/29 FLR MTN
4.16%0103.27%5.00%2029-01-31600 M EUR1,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EUROTP Bank Nyrt
XS283849554OTP BNK 24/28 FLR MTN
4.08%0102.25%4.75%2028-06-12700 M EUR1,000.00 EUR100,000.00 EUROTP Bank Nyrt
XXS2808393370IPOTEKA-BANK 20.5% NOTES 24-27
20.50%2027-04-251.37 T UZS10,000,000.00 UZS2,500,000,000.00 UZSIpoteka-Bank
XS0274147296OTPBankNyrt FRN pp
0100.04%6.06%500 M EUR1,000.00 EUR50,000.00 EUROTP Bank Nyrt