Reliance Stock option Trade opportunity 2500CE 2600CEReliance Stock just took support from the TRENDLINE. From here there is a high possibilities that it can go up. If we look at the option prices, February 2500CE is trading at 14.5 and 2500 is just 5% from current trading price. Now if we look at March 2500CE its trading at a price of 46.
ADD -2LOT February 2500CE@ 14.5 (3625)
1LOT March 2500CE@ 44 (11000)
So the total investment would be 3625+11000= 14625.
In case if Reliance do not give 5% upside momentum by FEBRUARY then by MARCH there will a high probability that it will give up side momentum and if it give upside momentum then our MARCH 2500CE will outperform which will cover the loss of FEBRUYARY 2500CE.