Our plan going into earnings next week #stocksWe were burned by Salesforce but were rewarded by Crowdstrike. The Model has us long equities across the board so we are willing to continue to take the earnings risk. ADOBE has been best in breed
Ingenuity Trading Model is an algorithm used in- Stock, Forex, Futures, and Crypto markets. The model is a Geometric Markov Model :
In probability theory, a Markov model is a stochastic model used to predict randomly changing systems. Markov Models are used in all aspects of life from Google search to daily weather forecast. The randomly changing systems we focus on are the equity, futures, and forex markets. The geometric element of the model is the fractal sine wave structure you can find on any chart you look at across any market and across all time dimensions.
Our model focuses on the current sine wave formation (current state)- geometric price formation along with its volume and volatility over a given time period and using that information to predict the future state- future price movement. For questions or more information feel free to contact me in the comment section or via private chat