FCPO Trading SchematicThere is 3 type of price reaction towards SnR
i) Rejection
ii) Breakout
iii) False breakout
How to trade (i) rejection @ M15?
1. Price close with reversal CS - long wick
2. M5 has engulfed at least 60%
3. Set Limit order near the neck of close M15 CS.
How to trade (ii) breakout @ M15?
1. Price close outside the SnR
2. 2nd CS also close outside SnR
3. Entry after rejection @ M5
How to trade (iii) false breakout @ M15?
1. Price close outside SnR
2. 2nd CS close inside SnR
3. Immediate entry after 2nd CS close.
4. Usually the aftermath range is the biggest after price consolidation.
Another addition entry is Rejection-continuation :
1. Always happen in strong trend as a pullback
2. CS rejection @ M15
3. CS engulf @ M5
4. Immediate entry after rejection CS close