CELH crazy what happens when you are patient and stick to your guns... next month should be good... even crazier how they missed earnings expectations by 200% 🤣 wtf even is the stock market lol.
CELH my company gets pallets of Celsius delivered weekly and my apartment sells them. I see these drinks everywhere. They're delicious and replaced my Red Bull fix of 15+ years. LONG!
CELH over saturated market. I don’t see people drinking this shit at the gym; C4s, Ghosts, RedBull, Monsters, Alani’s, etc. I don’t see people rocking Celcius merch, no Celcius stickers on cars, no Celcius hats, list goes on. $10 stock, only retail hype keeping it semi awake. Fucking weirdos obsessed because they bought it at $50+.