Understanding The Basics Of AI/Inference Engine ConstructionRecently, there has been a lot of discussion related to my SPY Cycle Patterns and how they work.
In short, without disclosing proprietary code/quants, I built an inference engine based on Fibonacci, GANN, and Tesla theories.
Part of this inference engine is to identify the highest probable outcome related to the patterns.
This is not rocket-science. This is the same process your brain does when determining when and what to trade.
The only difference is I'm doing a bunch of proprietary calculations/quants related to data and price theory in the background, then the inference engine determines the best, most likely outcome.
Take a few minutes to watch this video and try to understand the difference between static and dynamic modeling.
Again, my objective is to help as many traders as possible. My Plan Your Trade videos are my opinions based on my skills, knowledge, and proprietary modeling systems/tools.
None of my tools are 100% accurate all the time - nothing is. But, I do believe the quality of information and instructional information I provide is invaluable to most traders.
Get some.
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