The triangle of LuluLululemon Ahtletica inc. is an American company that is expanding all over the world and that produces and sells sportswear specialized in athletic activities and yoga.
Given the type of sport on which it specializes its business has not suffered in a marked way even the period of covid because millions of people forced into the house have bought their products online for the activities of Yoga conducted individually in their own dwellings.
Its constant growth in turnover during the years really frightens and, despite its price is well beyond the fair value, according to some sites that I use for fundamental analysis, its price seems to still aim high, also helped by large-scale investors who seem to be increasingly interested in the company.
Here is the movement for which Market Miracle, the algorithmic advisor that identifies and categorizes the incoming and outgoing capital from an asset yesterday generated an input signal of 362.5 USD with a target of 407 USD or with a potential profit of 12.3
Graphically the price seems to be trapped in a triangle pattern due to its situation of over-bought over the long term but it does not really seem to scare the price action towards a further climb.
This idea is based on the signal generated by the Marketmiracle advisor whose link you can find by scrolling down this page.