2/19/25 - $kvyo - Coming for another bite long2/19/25 :: VROCKSTAR :: NYSE:KVYO
Coming for another bite long
- let's not get this tape twisted. this market is like some whack kids soccer match. nothing. everything. what the heck. who cares. what?
- klaviyo remains one of those "odd" names that is taking share. their product, simply put, works and is winning.
- this stock is NOT CHEAP. and honestly, this is probably why i'll keep the position size small. look what happened last Q when we only took a position AFTER the results dip and subsequently let it go way too soon (but still made some coin).
- when i run some high level math, i come up with another beat and pretty good 1Q trends which i think is enough to keep this stock running. my SENSE, though admittedly it's a low one in trying to predict the final score of a kids soccer match... is a good result and guide will make this a "haven" stock. any miss and well... we'll be down 15-20% pretty easily. so i'm sizing accordingly, which probably means just a 25 bps position for the trade.
i'm long. so far earnings has been tough. probably net loser, but my big longs and tons of cash are keeping the pnl floating higher, thank goodness. if i was just trading the eps tape, i'd probably need to call a shrink ;)
stay safe out there.