GOLDGOLD Before trading, understand resistance and support levels properly. Support is the level where the price stops falling and starts going up, while resistance is the level where the price stops rising and starts going down. If the price breaks below support, it may fall further, and if it breaks above resistance, it may go higher. Understanding these levels will help you make better trading decisions and avoid losses. Trade wisely BTCUSDTBTCUSDEURUSDSOLUSDT
BTCUSD “Every trader has strengths and weaknesses. Some are great forecasters, others are good at execution. Learn what your strengths are and build on them.” XRPUSDTSOLUSDT
BTCUSD Every trade is a battle and winning battles requires preparation. And since uncertainty is the only thing that’s certain about the markets, you should learn to identify the possible scenarios and prepare contingencies for them. XRPUSDTSOLUSDTETHUSDT