TectumThe most important weaknesses of this currency are as follows:
1- The team is very weak compared to the claims made on this network. Many of these currencies have come and gone in the history of the crypto world.
2- Low market cap
3- Lack of a few real supporters
4- More than 73% of the tokens are held by 10 wallets, which is a serious weakness for a cryptocurrency.
The most important strengths:
1- Low market cap (buying such currencies is like buying a lottery ticket)
2- It has made a significant correction and if the market is bullish, it can hit a new high from a chart perspective.
3- The number of tokens is fixed and there is no inflation rate.
Experience has shown that two scenarios are possible for such currencies. The first scenario is that this currency will be destroyed like thousands of other currencies that have come and gone.
The second scenario is that we are at a historical low for this currency and it recovers again and reaches high market caps.
I consider the second scenario less likely, but this is not a reason to ignore its chart.
In my opinion, the $2.17 range could be suitable for buying. The selling ranges are also indicated.