food for thought soybeans look good.
seems like people are waking up to inflation.
i talked about inflation a year ago, before anyone even knew it was coming. time cycles predicted it correctly. historically wars have been started during these kind of times. watch uranus in gemini as that is historically when america had some of the biggest wars (2025-2032)
1760 = war with britian ( gained independence)
1850s = indian war (gained west coast)
1940s = ww2 (gained world currency domination)
as you can see from above, each passage of uranus through gemini has created earth shattering changes for america.
fun fact. july 4 1776 would mean america is a gemini. also it means uranus was in gemini at the time of conception. a return of uranus to the position of birth always has an effect.
another fun fact. there has never been one instance where a planet passed the midheaven of america without causing a change in trend in the equities and bond market.
merry christmas and happy new year.
next year will be epic and i will be right here to navigate it with you.