USDCADJavierH8 it was undeniably stupid of you to even talk about the overall trend. before you even said it was bullish and posted the patterns, I was the one who predicted it to go up to this level with 5-6 confirmations. now the moment it rejected the PSY, it was more bearish than bullish, thats why I said now my opinion changed from ulkish to bearish at that moment. [ so you saying it was bullish at a that moment was even more dumb cause u could see the rejection]. but as it went down and rejected the AOI. now it again turned from bearish to bullish. if at that point I would have said it was bearish than I would have been wrong. what I clearly said was undeniably right. it looked bearish and it did went down. so you should live up to it and admit that your basic comprehension skill was low when you read that comment and that iw as right and you were wrong at that moment.
USDCADJavierH8 you should have specied. when everybody was talking about the movement at that very moment, isn't it very dumb of you talk about the overall makert [ which was bullish] even a 2 year old would know that. at that moment market looked bearish and could have reversed the way it rejected the PSY. its like we are taking about. who's gonna win this match [argentina vs Germany ]in the quart final and you are talking about who's gonna winl the World Cup. I guess you really are stupid after all. again the market was bullish but at that moment when it rejected the PSY, it looked more bearish than bullish.[ thats why I said ts now bearish and I was right] .the only confirmation we needed was for it to break the lower AOI. but since it didn't and rejected back up. now again we were bullish.
USDCADtjheavenly overall to me it seems u misunderstood my mind because I clearly meant overall market and have showed my chart multiple times but u somehow didn’t understand it as that. Because u disagreed with me and that means u are opposite meaning if I believe bullish u believe bearish and I was talking overall market so u made it seem like u believe overall bearish market. But you are saying u don’t believe overall market was bearish so my confusion is why u were calling me wrong when we had same view and I never once stated when I was talking about the market being bullish that it was short term I was clearly talking long term.