GME When the fake reverts to real wut then? Can't keep up the fake forever boys... Ya can fool some people some time, but you cant fool all the people all the time... an now you see the light, its time to stand up for your rights... Did I buy more? Not yet...
Of course I am waiting to see if they can drop it again... like really try to make us loose hope, and when everyone is scared for their life, that's when i'm writing calls😅 ... my theory stands... just BUY MOAR wen low, sell wen high asF like the sky
GME Joseph went from the pit to the Palace in an Instant. When the Pharohs of money realize they have NO CLUE what they are doing anymore. We will all ascend just as fast
GME as far as red days go, this one could have been a lot worse, given the market conditions overall. this is the 2nd straight day GME has been stronger than the overall market and that is reason for some optimism here.
other good news: -no new short term low despite ugly market -RK is not Gene Hackman (RIP)
medium news: minimal short volume again, still WAY below average. not scary short volume jump but also means red candle was mostly from continued buy side weakness, which honestly isn't unexpected given the market today.
bad news: -still the 2nd lowest closing price in 2-1/2 months -finished nearer the lows of the day than the highs (but market did too) -still low volume, but better than yesterday
ironically, i'd feel better about today than yesterday, despite today's red candle vs yesterday's green one. better volume, increased short selling didn't tumble price, and stabilizing price over the last 3 days. does this mean a strong reversal is coming? maybe but I wouldn't bet on it happening this week unless Bitcoin stops tumbling (it's not after hours) or the market strengthens tomorrow.
the balance is swinging back toward neutral though, imo, but I think there's probably too much negative still in the market for anything super constructive to happen tomorrow. there's also the resistance from above from what was support last week and that will make it tougher.
still need to see a close and hold above 27.12 to make me a short term bull and I just don't see a nearly 11% move happening tomorrow. if it outperforms the market again tomorrow and there's no short volume spike, i'd probably edge into neutral territory. gotta see higher highs, higher lows and a return of volume before the word bullish applies here imo. enjoy watching bullshiller heads explode when they claim not to read this - as usual.