HD - Weekly Option Expiry of 4/6/2018 BullishNaked Put (Bullish)
Symbol: HD
Current Price: $174.76
Option: 6th Apr $170 Put
Price per Option: $1.02
Contracts: #20 x 100
Total cost: $2,040
Estimated returns - HD at $174.76 on 28th Mar 2018
Entry cost: $2040 (next credit/now)
Maximum Risk: $337960 at a price of $0.10 at expiry
Maximum return: $2040 at a price of $176 on day 6th Apr 2018
Break evens at expiry: $169.00
*Will watch Price Action rest of this week and into next.... if Price Action goes south will or under $169.00... will take corrective action.