I just returned from a wonderful 4,000 mile road trip within 10 southwestern, western, and midwestern states. I was in an unknown number of convenience stores, looking for low-salt munchies, and funding only one product — Hint o’ Salt Ritz Crackers — thank you Ritz.
These companies would do well to heed the medical advice, and offer products with low amounts of salt. Many, many people, myself included, want/need to limit their salt. People are listening — and the companies can’t figure out why they can’t sell more salt. I think they’d be mighty surprised at how well alternative salted products would do.
The doctors say to reduce salt, people are trying to follow suit to live longer and better, and the corporations charge right ahead. How about trying to improve America’s health? Think how much money they would save by buying 50% or less of their current salt stock. If I have reduced-salt snacks, I can drive and munch some as I go, and my feet don’t swell. If I eat fully-salted items, with age my feet have begun to painfully swell.
I’d happily open my wallet for low-salt options, and I’d be happy to buy stock in a company whose price was rising because of doing a good thing. Don’t adapt, and your market cap and revenue stream will suffer.