YFIUSD ://BUY THE DIPS_TAKE PROFITIF btc doesnt do the full re trace to between 350 and 450 million in market cap or between 20k n 27k it might be time to buy some YFI. This next rally could melt faces but without btc doing a healthy retrace it worries me for the market as a whole. We doubled the BTC market cap all over 20k... If that new money breaks scared we will see a true BTC re trace (ugggg for alts etc or a great buy opp) but a mid 20s will be healthy. Maybe we already saw it at 27500 or whatever it was but we doubt it. If we do get that confirmation bounce on 26500 we could easily see 45 plus k...
Anyways buy the dip with Sushi, this is uniswap source code from get hub repurposed, more riped if u can say that about anything with open source code and then acquired by the Yearn YFI team.
If u can cost average in with some stable coins etc but all in all if in YFI for the HODL cifi defi is about to go crazy this next few months.
also if want longer shot newr projects check out
ROCKS or social rocket