⚡️The yellow metal saw some gains in recent sessions as strong inflation and economic activity data failed to convince markets that a U.S. interest rate hike was imminent. But gains were also limited as the dollar raced to six-month highs on the data. ⚡️Bullion prices are also expected to see some safe haven demand amid concerns over a U.S. government shutdown,...
⚡️Gold prices rose on Monday as markets bet that the Federal Reserve will keep interest rates on hold this week, while growing fears of a U.S. government shutdown spurred some safe haven demand. ⚡️The yellow metal saw some gains in recent sessions as strong inflation and economic activity data failed to convince markets that a U.S. interest rate hike was...
What is the head and shoulders pattern? ⚡️ The head and shoulders model translated from Head and shoulders is a model that represents price fluctuations, predicting future trend reversals. This language is very commonly used in financial investment fields such as stock investment, virtual currency,... From there, this model will help investors make easy buying...
⚡️HELLO TRADERS⚡️ ⚡️The key US CPI report will be released later at the start of the North American trading session and will provide fresh signals on the Federal Reserve's (Fed) future path to interest rate hikes after the announced pause. widely predicted in September. Markets were predicting the possibility of another 25 basis point rate hike later this year....