untuk target koreksi ada di 3460 berhati hati untuk melakukan open posisi sekarang saran saya lakukan wait and see dulu dan lakukan buy bertahap ketika memasuki 3460-3200
Buy Eos di 8300-7600 Target 8862 Than do Buy Again. If EOS break resistance do Buy At 9k For final target 12k
ETC look nice for buy look deep price Buy some ETC for 13 days why? prntscr.com l think ETC will pump bcause this event you can buy for mid-long term ETC have another event in the end of this year prntscr.com if you ask me about the target and area buy you can see in chart
BTC cant break 6600 and now BTC try to Break 6600 If 6600 breakout BTC will go to 6800 and u can see in chart
With low supply ELF is good for hold you can buy ELF for mid-long term Target you can see in chart and buy area around 5030
Buy Around 131-129 Sell 145 148 152 Event prntscr.com
XEM look nice for buy if XEM breakout 1520 Xem can Bullish and hit 1600 You can buy some XEM for mid Term Some event for XEM prntscr.com