This second video reinforces the concepts supporting my simple method of validating or invalidating trade setups using price channels, Fibonacci price theory, Stochastics, RSI, and simple price metrics. Anyone can do this - it just takes a little patience and learning. The trick to the ENTRY is to WAIT to see how price reacts near support/resistance. REJECTION...
Have you been following my research? If so, you already know my research predicted the SPY would attempt to reach $425~$430 before attempting to form a top/peak. Now that we've reached $425+, it is time to really start protecting your long positions and preparing for the "rollover-top" that will setup over the next 2~4+ weeks. By my estimate, the SPY will top...
The SPY must attempt to target $437 or higher to complete a proper Fibonacci price structure. Using both Elliot Wave and Fibonacci Price Theory, my research suggests the next big move in the SPY will be an explosive upside price trend, reaching a SPIKE TOP, then a downward reversion targeting $404~409. Ultimately, price operates within its own constructs....
Watch this video. Prepare for the SPY to retest $404, and possibly rally above $418.50 as the Flag Apex prompts a big volatility spike. If you have not already prepared for this Apex, don't wait. Protect your capital efficiently and prepare for the pullback in price that will start in Mid-June 2023. Follow my research. The next 24 months will be incredible for...
Are you struggling to understand how price is the ultimate indicator? This basic instructional video will help you learn the basics of Fibonacci Price Theory and how to apply it properly to price. Remember, Fibonacci Price Theory works on any symbol, any interval, anything that TRADES. Used in conjunction with other TA or advanced modeling, this is likely the...
Have you been following my research? My research and application of Technical Analysis is different than most others. I use techniques that align price action with advanced Price Energy cycles/waves. I still use traditional Technical Analysis - but my application of the data is vastly different than most others. I've been doing this for more than 25+ years. I...
Are you following my research yet? Last weekend, I published a YouTube video suggesting the NASDAQ/TECH were poised for a 15~20% rally - driving the SPY 7 to 9% higher. Now, my SPY Cycle Patterns called today as a Pullback and tomorrow as a Momentum Rally. Get ready for a massive SHORT-SQUEEZE over the next few weeks. April will start off with the Nasdaq/SPY...
Are you following my research? It amazes me that I can post a chart/video predicting something to happen 3 to 6+ months in advance, then sit back and watch it play out. Gold has entered a new phase - much different than everyone thinks. This is not 2009~2011 all over again. This is 2003~05 repeating. The next phase of the US market trend, and Gold, will blow...
My research suggests the SPY is setting up a massive Capitulation bottom - and likely to move dramatically higher over the next 5+ years. It's too early to call this a confirmed bottom signal - but, it may be a great time to start looking for some "anchor trades" in the best stocks/sectors headed into 2024 and beyond. My research combines technical analysis,...
My advanced modeling and TV scripts recently turned BEARISH on the Daily SPY. This means the markets have moved into a RISK-OFF mode - likely preparing for additional downside trending. While the Weekly modeling continues to stay BULLISH, I'm writing this update to warn my followers that both the Rotational Modeling and the TT-3MACD strategies have turned...
I've been working on the TT-3MACD PineScript update for about 4+ days. It seems every time I make a breakthrough, there is more to attempt to build into it. PineScipt seems pretty cool so far. Documentation is great - but it is a process of learning how the engine processes things. My goal is to build a TEACHABLE solution for my followers - allowing them to...
I received a question from someone watching my videos/research. The question was, "what is the downside risk for the markets if my bullish resolution fails". So, I created this video. This explains why the downside risks appear to be less than 35% right now compared to a 65% to 75% upside price resolution. Still, using Elliot Wave, we can't be 100% confident...
This example video will help you understand how I use my predictive SPY Cycle Patterns in combination with traditional TA (Fibonacci and others) to prepare/plan for GAPS, trends, and opportunities for trading through the week. I'm a strong believer that you don't need to trade every minor trend. Taking 2~4 good trades a week across one or two symbols is all that...
Here is an example dual-chart setup for SPY daytraders. I set this up to help my followers understand how to perceive price action as we attempt to transition through the $405 SPY Support level. If my analysis is correct, we'll see a fairly strong reversion (upside) price trend as long as the $404~405 level holds. This chart includes a number of TradingView...
Are you following my SPY Cycle Patterns yet? If not, here is a list of the SPY Cycle Patterns for this week and beyond... 2/6/2023 2/7/2023 Inside-Breakaway 2/8/2023 Harami-Inside 2/9/2023 CRUSH 2/10/2023 GAP Potential 2/11/2023 GAP...
My SPY Cycle Patterns suggest the markets will establish a PEAK/TOP today - then trend downward. I created this video to help my followers stay aware of the short-term nature of price in a reactionary price trend - like today. If you are chasing this rally, stay very cautious of risks related to my SPY cycle patterns. Overall, I expect the markets to peak,...
Follow my research. Learn why I expect 2023 to be a very difficult year for active traders and how you can avoid all the risks by modifying your capital allocation levels RIGHT NOW. You don't have to stand in front of a freight train or try to force trades when they are not opportunistic. You could just wait for the better setup in July/Aug 2023 and ride out...
Protecting Your Trades With Fibonacci Price Theory. Learn to understand the BELTLINE range (50%) and why it is so important for structuring your trades for profit. Not all trades will be successful - plan for FAILURE. Planning for FAILURE = Long-Term SUCCESS. Follow my research. The rabbit-hole of knowledge I've amassed over the past 25+ years is deep. I...