Short Squize! 45M float and 40% short float. TO THE MOON BABY ;) bye!!!!
psychedelic is the future for mental health. I don't understand why the chart doesn't move but it will be because nothing else can heal the mental illness. At this moment we only have 20 years of Internet. We need to go forward. Psychotherapy doesn't work because sometimes even the client doesn't know what he have. I don't say that compass pathway will be the...
Just look the chart!!! Need to rebound!!! The most prestigious stock in psychedelic is undervalued !!!!!! Atai possesses 1/4 of compass pathways!! And mmed only 800k. Compass 2billons. Atai 3 billions!!
Why i feel the price is going to 145$ again ???? HELP!!!!!! tell mee before the earning report!
buy TODAY mmed.neo and tomorow it will transfer to mnmd. usd nasdak. i expect more than 100%. is the futur of medecine! and even CRISPR Therapeutics need these for is data!
1: roblox platform creation game. ( like youtube or photoshop ) 2: 1.5 billions ( roblox ) 1.7 billions (activision) 5.5 Billions ( EA Sport) = 1 year to roblox make 5.2 Billions ( they have 7.7 billions possible free creator of video game) 3: roblox have is own cryptocurency 4: everyone can create with roblox. even google apple microsoft activision ea...
BUYSQUEZE ! Not enough stock for everyone retire profits gains! 1 choice: wait time 2 choice: sell 3 choice : risk to short squeze. if short squeze exist. buy squeze exist too! already sold my stock. and happy with 420% BE A INVESTOR!! NOT AN *** ACTIVIST STOCK *** !!!!
GameStop or Roblox ??? ( CopyRight Big Problem) GameStop = Netlix Roblox = Youtube Youtube music ( GOOGLE ) he has not yet been pursued by the law! It will come really soon. ( With all cloud. blockchain and starlink Internet. revolution) *** DO YOU THINK ROBLOX IS A GOOD INVESTMENT OR THE OTHERS COMPANY ARE TOO POWERFULL YET! COMMENTS ????????
1 -Game Stop is The Anti-Monopole ( his business is to earn a % of the product) ( Game Stop Will never create video games) 1.2 - Monopole compagny are illegal. so forget amazon, stadia, xcloud, Psnow or Apple game. ( to much Subcriptions!!! ) To much expensive!! in long term! and people will loses a lot of money and time! in both parties! seller and buyer! 1.3...
If chart goes up black line !EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE! (Big event) And to 24 FEB to 8 MARS= 2 choices 1: The bottom after the big bull Event! ( around 5.48$- 5.67$ ) after that another bull because is the max bottom line. OR 2: The maximun Bull trend ( if the chart doesn't go up the black line ) and after that bear trend. ( the bottom will be 4.50$.. something...
short until 175$ after that bullish the next earning report will be the 1 april. they will annonce a split 7 to 17 i dont know yet how much it will be the split number. share outstading. 61M and market cap 21 BILLIONS!!! Netflix have 434M share out. 231B market cap microsoft is the new power of internet. they have a contract with game stop. { CLOUD } even...
29 jan to 17 feb = Bearish. key date 8 feb after 17 feb = Bullish 2.88$ will be a reasonable price. ETF PSYK = Create a big pression to psychedelic stock because of J&J and their friends. ( Market Cap) J&J already on 260 ETF xD == PLEASE COMMENTS YOUR OPINIONS MAYBE I LOST SOMETHING :}