EURUSD and Major US indices pre market analysis. Looking for a bit of a pullback on EURUSD and more of a daily setup on the indices.
So officially sitting on my hands until we get some set up on either the daily or weekly.
Still overall bearish biased on EURUSD, waiting till 7 am to enter the market. Happy Trading and if you have any good regulated brokers that accept US clients with tight spreads let me know, looking to match a switch in brokers.
Pre market gameplan for the trading day on EURUSD. Overall bearish at the moment
Looking at possible opportunities on GBPJPY and GBPUSD but need a pullback on the daily.
Update to previous analysis today specifically on EURUSD trying to stay open to both probabilities and possibilities in the market
Outlook on EURUSD,GBPJPY, and GBPUSD looking at possible opportunities later and a quicker opportunity on EURUSD
Looking at adding to long term holds as we currently are seeing deep retracements in the crypto space to some previous key areas. Looking at Uniswap, Fantom, Ether, BAT, and Hedera to add to my current holds on each.
Updating a couple new adds to the portfolio being Hedera(Hbar) and Fantom(FTM) and the prices im looking to really load up larger positions
Outlook on the 10 cryptos I currently HODL in my portfolio, AUDIUS,UNISWAP, ETHER, Solana, Polkadot, Basic Attention Token, Fantom, Mask, Ethereum Name Service and the Graph.
Outlook on the 10 cryptos I currently HODL in my portfolio, AUDIUS,UNISWAP, ETHER, Solana, Polkadot, Basic Attention Token, Fantom, Mask, Ethereum Name Service and the Graph.
Crypto Outlook heading into the new year on a variety of coins
Weekend crypto outlook on SHIBUSD,SOLUSD,ANKRUSD,ETHUSD, and GRTUSD
Crypto outlook for the day and a bit longer term as well
Eyeing opportunities on GBPJPY and CADCHF and just entered trade on EURJPY
Looking at opportunities to go long on Polkadot,Solana,Ankr, and Shiba. Ankr and Shiba are currently in better areas in terms of price action and DOT and Sol may still have a bit of life left in the current move lower so im sitting on my hands on those but looking to enter Ankr essentially at the market price at time of recording video.
Looking at GBPJPY, EURJPY, AUDUSD, and CADCHF On GJ,EJ, and AU looking for more longer term sells but leaving the possibility open for a shorter term buy to get us closer to the selling area.