Thinking the 442/445 or 442/446 vertical call spread sell could be profitable for sometime next week. Not a comment on anything I'm doing in particular, just testing out ideas.
Kind of looks like a three wave up impulse, third wave might only get halfway as far as the previous two because it's the weekend. Maybe some early week selling next week could be good to buy later.
It is time. If you are short you are a diot. Also just probably vibing a short squeeze from the chat.
So received a lot of new information over the past week so i'm retiring from trading forever. This should not come as a surprise. _james Bond
Good synergy with Robinhood exported robin hood speculative volume profile. Solid Gov data contracts.
"Or else" - Cuomo CNN July 27 7:01 pm MST. My description isn't long enough.
Casual reminder that microwaves are for popcorn, not Taco Tuesday's. Loving that bass though. Energy efficiency is good for the environment.
Market running hot. Likely rate rise this week monday/tuesday. btc pumped 8% pre Buy until next weekend around 47k then sell for pullback.
Heard a rumor that the main market for crypto is actually through cold storage hard drives because one can't launder money on an open exchange. Tons of big order cold storage ethereum sells happened this past four months, apparently the price is only around $100 these days. Lots of miners uploading thousands of btc to exchanges last week around the near...
Kind of thinking that once bitcoin breaks down here it will hit 6% of its previous high as it has done the past two times it broke down from really high. You'd have to be a veteran to remember those 1k peaks years ago. Anyway maybe support at 60% fib who knows. #Himynameisniamhadukinu and i am adorable.? Lara adkins ehh
I think the investigation into up to a third of clients funds should be done soon. What's next... Facebook?
If Tesla delivers 800,000 vehicles this year then their $634,000,0000,000 market cap would imply each vehicle is worth around $870,000? Isn't the average cost around $60,000? That's 14% of implied value. If Tesla never will run huge positive cash flows because of how the company is managed then I would value it at some function of marginal profit and relative...
Corporate credit creation is slowing naturally. Any increase in interest rates will harm consumers more than corporations. Consumer spending likely hurt this winter by higher rents and utilities (maybe ngas spike)(higher food prices because of drought). Consumer credit likely to increase a lot. Q1 2022 first quarter of negative GDP growth Q2 2022 second quarter...
Inflation will come in waves / spikes during different quarters for different reasons. There was an industrial input commodity spike recently and there will probably be a consumer goods spike this winter. It's unlikely that the FED will increase interest rates with short term boosts in what will be unsustainably high inflation levels in certain sectors. A broad...
End of cycle conditions mean lots of liquidity, but low money velocity on larger scale transactions i.e. corporate credit and very fast money velocity on a small scale i.e. consumer spending. Opposite is true beginning cycles. Would buy Visa on a dip for winter. Not as stoked about amazon.
Taking risk off from Euro-->USD--> US equities for election next year and ECB uncertainty. If dems win a lot of seats which they probably will then might assume Euro breaking through the top of range (red line). Might swap into euro--> china indices a few years down the line if euro hits like 1.34 usd. that's if their banking situation improves or becomes more...
The shale band is no longer a relevant fundamental talking point. New talking points create a range: Fed/ECB/PBC creating liquidity restrictions on inflation, which creates the top of a range. Opec creates a soft supply support range at top of previous permian band. This means that central banks will aggressively tighten with oil over 75 and opec will vaguely...