Using the Gann Fann I see: 11 on ER runup 12-13 post ER 16-17 long term PT (within a year prob) Gap fill at 8.5 if ER is a letdown 7 if the ER is awful WHAT AM I DOING? Buying 10C for 2027. Best to go long with this company. I also bought a 10C 3/21 to play the ER runup, def sell any short term calls before the ER. LEAPS OR SHARES are the way to go
MSFT to 375. I won't be shorting but rather avg'ing into positions... Well I might intraday short, but def not swings since this company could get some bullish news. Looks bearish to me atm. Buyers are not stepping in after we've lost that key 400 level.
Long term target 16-18 Weekly/monthly swing 8-10 Shares or ATM calls are your friend Company has solid financials and consecutive ER beats. It will start attracting attention soon **Disclaimer** I learned about this stock from another analyst. Did my own Technical Analysis and I like it. In for 15 shares atm with plans to buy calls next week if our market holds up.