Great triangle made by Verge (XVG) ends in few days and we're gonna see "The Big Bang" after many days of silence. I'm not sure about the prices, but I do believe situation described on the graph is possible - I'm not a professional, don't blame me.
There is nothing to really describe... $TRX has been bullish recently and with high probability it will explode in next few hours. You see these waves... it's pretty much possible.
Two probabilities of what can happen in next few days. I'm not a professional, I'm just a wonderer, so invest on your own risk.
This is what can be possible in next few days. Of course it's just a theory, but it would be possible if you go and buy some #TRX for yourself.
I don't have enough education to say what's that exactly. I just feel it'll go that way after triangle pattern finishes.