As you can see, the current price BITFINEX:BCHUSD is as of this writing 10% lower than Kraken KRAKEN:BCHUSD . This is a good indicator to see a possible future price. There is a lot of support for BITFINEX:BCHUSD KRAKEN:BCHUSD that many might not see. I can tell you now that my honest opinion is that we will see $450 and higher in the coming 1-4 weeks....
WIll Alts dump to BTC to get free Bitcoin Cash? It's looking that way. I'm 50% BTC 50% fiat at the moment. I have my BTC's distributed between Kraken and my Trezor. I'm hoping for a drop well below $2500. That may not happen, but I'm ready. If I get run over, I will start accumulating above $3100. I'm open for discussion.
Repeated traps, whales buying them up as low as they can. Forcing the price down temporarily. Sale Volume is shrinking, which makes me think $27 is the bottom. I think we will maintain $31 over the next 7-10 days, then $36, then $41, and onwards with a few earthquakes in between.
This is based on the idea that we have a lot of new traders coming in that have not really followed the trends. I think we are about 60% dilated for the near term, and will continue up from here while seeing some action from the wealthier class. I don't think any of us are here to grind out 10% The common thread here is to hold and pick your spots upward or...