The Ukraine war, ongoing lockdowns in China and associated disruption of global supply chains as well as upcoming inflation are key reasons for the high risk in the current market. Swing-Traders should act with highest caution and be mostly in cash for quite some time now. All technical indicators in our risk model are showing high risk, the overall risk rating...
Our risk model for SWING-TRADERS (US Stock Market) is still showing a high risk environment. Swing-Traders should still be very careful and keep risk to a minimum. A very few indicators in our risk model suggest that we may have reached the bottom of the current market correction. Best way to manage the current situation is to start off with a very few and small...
The different technical and psychological market indicators in our risk model for swing traders (US stock market) are discussed. The updated risk model rating is deep red, current recommendation is to be patient and stay on the sidelines until market conditions for swing-trading are getting better again. The following indicators are being discussed: 1....
The S&P 500 closed 2021 as the top major stock market index. History suggests 2022 could be another strong year for investors. While it ended the day with a minor loss of 0.3%, the S&P 500 closed the year up just shy of 27%, the NASDAQ rallied 21% in 2021 - overall an outstanding performance of the larger indices. Our risk model improved over the last 2 weeks in...
Stocks reversed sharply higher yesterday after the Fed made its policy announcement. Bulls took over and pushed the markets higher. The Fed said it will halt pandemic-driven asset purchases sooner than expected. The central bank now plans to decrease purchases by $30 billion per month, leading to a likely halt end of first quarter 2022. That sets the stage for...
The stock market's negative action yesterday marked the eighth time since Nov. 22 in which the Nasdaq fell 1% or more. And in most of those occasions, the index saw volume increase which suggests heavy institutional distribution. Also, many of the former leaders in the growth sector are subject to heavy institutional selling and many of them are in their own bear...
We may see a year end rally, however it may come in split fashion. Indexes are diverging, and after a period of outperformance, former leading growth stocks are smashed, many of them are in their own bear market. Biotechs, semiconductors and the software sector continue to slump. Although the S&P 500 lost about 1% on Monday, it is still trading near record highs,...
Our risk model is still on RED. We therefore recommend to only test the market using smaller pilot buys. High volatility in the market, also considering the upcoming news this week, will continue to make it very challenging for swing traders. Here is the link to our updated watchlist. All stocks on our watchlist satisfy IBD's CANSLIM criteria as well as...
Our updated risk model for the US stock market still indicates a high risk environment. Also, we expect the high volatility environment to continue with the FOMC summit and the FED press conference coming up in the second half of december. Swing Traders should continue to be very cautious and either fully stay in cash or test the market with smaller pilot...
Our risk model has changed from neutral to a 'sell signal'. Key technical and psychological market indicators are being discussed: Distribution Day Count SP500 (5), NASDQ (2) Up / Down Volume positive New 52w Highs / Lows ratio < 1 Stocks above 200d MA negative Advance / Decline Line declining Volatility Index VIX close to 30 Long Term...
Here is the link for our updated watchlist. All stocks on this list are meeting IBD's CAN SLIM- and Mark Minervini's SEPA selection criteria. Only a short list for now - this also represents the difficult environment we are currently in - very frothy, high volatility, especially for growth stocks - elevated level of caution is advised!
The updated watchlist for the upcoming trading week is being discussed:
Discussed is our weekly update of the risk model for the US market. Price action of the major US market indices and relevant indicators advise caution. See our homepage for daily updates on trading recommendation for the major US-market indices and ETF's:
The general market action is discussed using the large US market indices and our updated watchlist is presented: The updated watchlist includes the following stocks: SHOP, ATKR, AFG, WIRE, MT, FND, SCU, POOL, VRTS, IDXX, AIG, HCA, BLDR, CNOB, ON, CAMT, CSTM, TTEC, AXON, CATO, PNFP
Attached is the link for our updated watchlist for the US market:
Updated Risk Model for the US stock market. General market conditions (SP500, NASDAQ, RUSSEL) are analyzed. While the general market is still in a stable uptrend, caution is advised. Reasons are discussed in the video.