Im not buying, I just think this is the perfect setup you could have. 5 years to load up VERY VERY BIG then a huge rocket in price.
Go all in now or you will regret it for the rest of your life. im buying back in after the first pump.
BUY THIS COIN RIGHT NOW, Ive waited a long time for this moment.
I'll be buying in every time it drops 15 cents. BUY IN NOW OR REGRET IT LATER!
Once it drops more I'll be buying in VERY big!!! if I was you, I would too.
Been waiting for this pullback, buy in now or regret it later
Been waiting for this pullback, buy in now or regret it later
Man this coin is about to make an extremely big move upwards!
Finally a reversal so now im getting in. the drive thru are still busy as hell even during the winter with lines as long as a football field.
im gonna buy once it drops closer to the blue line then hold!!
This is a life changing pullback right here. GET THE F IN!!
Im going in big, if you don't agree then I dot give a flying Fadoodle
I caught the first tun up now im loading up again!