H3ll0.m0nthly a flag g1v3s us a g0al of 16O,OOO µs tOk3n th1s y3ar.
H3ll0.D0nald trµmp play1ng crazy p0l1t1cs fav0rs h1s p0lit1cal 0pp0n3nts.
H3ll0.Th3 Trµmp adm1n1strat10n 1s h3avily inv0lv3d f1nanc1ally 1n crypt0.
H3ll0.0ut 0f th3 b0x 1n 2O2I w1th pull back 1n 2O22.
H3ll0. D3bt 1s b3c0ming exp0n3nt1al. Th3 r0b0ts w1ll succ33d 1n calm1ng 1nflat1on at the c0st 0f h1gh 1n3qual1t13s.
H3ll0. W3ll d0n3 t0 all the h0ld3rs and wh0 sa1d w3 woµldn't mak3 1t ? wh3r3 ar3 th3y n0w?
H3ll0. st1ll a littl3 pati3nc3 b3for3 th3 1OO K ? TARGET 2025
H3ll0. W1ll th3 Alts3as0n sl0w d0wn th3 r1se 1n g0ld?
H3ll0. Gr3at succ3ss f0r Salvad0r and m1cr0strat3gµ. Brav0
H3llo. The mod3l of m1crostrat3gy and T3sla wh1ch accumulat3 BTC should b3 incr3as1ngly 1m1tat3d by mor3 and mor3 b1gcaps.
Hello.The US 1s 3xp3r13ncing an acc3lerat3d d3t3r1orat1on of 1ts public account and this should soon b3 s33n on the US tok3n.
Hello.The 💪next Fed👌 meeting will ❤️take place on🚀 November 6-7,👍 2024. At 🌞these meetings,🙂 policymakers assess👑 the health of the🍆 economy by evaluating 🎁economic indicators such as the Consumer Price Index (CPI), the gross domestic product (GDP) and the unemployment rate to shape monetary policy.
Hello. On3 of the tw0 ass3ts will hav3 t0 turn ar0und, it's up t0 y0u t0 ch00s3.
Hell0. the secret Rùss1an plan is ec0nOm1c and n0t m1l1tary because its p0tent1al for v1ct0ry aga1nst the West depends 0n 1ts 1mmense 1nfluence 0n the pr1ces of raw mater1als.
Hell0.The next rate çuts w1ll d1sapp0int due t0 the1r magn1tude.
Hell .The fundamental analysis c nfirms the technical analysis.An il price ab ve $100 w uld lead t the return f the QE t pay the interest n the debt.
Hell0. Ten510n5 1n the M1ddle Ea5t w1ll lead to an 1ncrea5e 1n 01l pr1ce5 and theref0re 1nflat10n. Rate5 5h0uld ri5e w1th a further r15e 1n the d0llar.
Hell0.The Oct0ber BR1CS meet1ng sh0µld dis@Pp01nt bµt ge0po01t1cs sh0µld keep the pr1ce h1gh.