But in may and Q1 I believe ! I first bought at .90USD and I keep averaging down every month. My last play in XLY will be at .18CAD. I was right with the .25CAD. I'll be right with .15... WallStreet will fall. Get used to it and take care. Good luck all !
Hello fellas, I won't lie, it's not looking good right now. Auxly is currently oversold and this is why we can see the 5% up today. However, the coronavirus outbreak will badly affect the mj sector and investors won't jump in again until earnings in may. But in the end, I'm LONG with the king of 2.0 !
Looks like we have a confirmation + a rising volume. About time to make some good money. ! ISH & Auxly Strong ! Quit crypto folks. Veryrichmanwithbeautifulhair bought some Cannabis ISH$
I've been watching ISH & VGW. Both are interesting picks. I'll give em a BUY for medium/long term. Btw I'm bias. I just loaded a big bag full of ISH. And I'm waiting 2.90 to reach the VGW.
Got insider intel folks. Trust. Better buy now.
Good Marketcap. Good Follow up. Nice team. Unchain the bull !