-my analyse based en level key power suport erea and the magnatek pawer is up - lock for long postion with not so much risk this setup for toyota --good lock--
i want to short some 1000 stock to make just about 5 k or 3 k good lock
amd long position in law time fram 30 min this is just edea and its not financial advice
is just my plan by supply and demand strategy and the best entrie en 15 min time frame i wish the best
this analyse is based en renko and based on suplly and demend zoon
NQ e mini shourt position just for scalping en 1 min time frame and samll stp losss
we loung because we are on order block ares in 1 our time frame and 30 min and 15 min
My strategy is like Support and resistance in 4 h frime and i use moving average in 32 like support
My expectations in gold were correct🍰👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻