just leaving this here for later. these levels are the final levels in the last two untested ranges acting as support.
Purple = Monthly Grey = Weekly Red = Daily Orange = 4hr Yellow = 1hr Accumulation, Resistance, Distribution, Support, Accumulation.... you know the drill. "The markets always know whats going on, its just a matter if you can see it or not" - C0tt0nC4ndy
I recently discovered the joys of trading soy. was deleting old TA and appreciating it. I decided to share this since its been awhile. Grey = weekly Red = Daily Orange = 4hr Yellow = 1hr.
Its cool that TradingView has a live stream feature. I've never used it before tonight so I recorded the T.A. Process without sound. Its just a boring video of price action TA from the weekly timeframe to 5min. I'm not trading anytime soon so don't take that lower TA as ideas. The 5min Inverse FrontSide hold level ladders the move down continually. In theory,...
15min TA is turquoise I just wanna see how this stock is moving and where the players are.
A weekly level was just tested as resistance so the price will be expected to distribute to find support. HEX has recently been listed on a couple new exchanges giving HEX more exposure. Grey = Weekly levels Red = Daily Staked HEX TLV $4.22 billion staked for 6.41yrs earns 36.09% (9.87% month)
Per your request, here is a high level idea for Tesla. Purple = Monthly levels Grey = Weekly levels.
Red = Daily levels Yellow = 1hr Levels shown on 15min TF. scalp trading on the 5min. Have fun
Grey = weekly Red = Daily Orange = 4hr Yellow = 1hr xrp has reason to be bullish. can't wait to see .50 cents.
leaving here to study how things play out. all notes in the TA which is of the sweetest c0tt0nc4ndy variety.
I just adapted the support trend and deleted the old resistance trends and levels that were in the way and irrelevant.
Hex is awesome so here's a little updated TA. The orange 4hr levels aren't labeled. They are inverse FS and BS levels above price and just a support BackSide below price. Happy Stakeing
What should I chart on next? Sometimes I wish I could just publish an Idea without the description.
My dog is begging me to go to the park so we're leaving this here. If you know about T.A Price action C0tt0nC4ndy & Market Meta aka the practice of self talk using if/then statements to create a bias, than you are ready to guess the candle: i.e BackSide Candle Name or Title : The same candle can represent multiple forms of data. Each form of data is given a...
Get your C0tt0nC4ndy dose of TA with me from time to time. Just posting quickly while waiting in line. there are notes on screen read them
That T.A. you crave is C0tt0nC4ndy. Dig in. Grey = Weekly levels Red = Daily Orange = 4hr Yellow = 1hr. The wedges show fractals. 4hr fractal and weekly fractal adapted to daily trend. Some levels not marked cause you should know the science.
Grey = Weekly Levels & Trends Red = Daily Orange = 4hr Yellow = 1hr Turqouise = 15min Blue = 5min soft pink = 3min make due what you will with the levels. If you consume C0tt0nC4ndy then the T.A. level names and expectations are to be expected.
Just making massive assumptions here based on the data the candles present. Lets see if that trend will hold and be a good place to jump in