Call Spread 415/420, betting it stays below this. Collected $98 per spread on credit expiry is Jan 17. I put on 3 spreads. Max loss is $296
Iron fly on GLD 134/139/139/144 EXP Jan 17 0.17/0.47/0.52/0.144 Credit collected was $296. Max loss is 204. Looking to profit $75, order set to take profit at the 25% point.
CMG Credit was $1.25 Target gain will be $70, max loss is $140. Exp Dec 13, 790/795 above support line. It may move lower or move into a range soon.
Bought a single put Nov 22 EXP strike was 119. Just a quick trade, max loss is $100 max gain is $300 looks like it'll go lower to $114-115. Exit will be next Friday.
Shorting roku to support $118 if it hold I'll get out Max loss is $100 or if the trend breaks looks like a descending triangle. Max gain will be $200 Nov 22 strike was 120 Put just bought 1 exit will be next week, buying on a friday is kinda dumb but maybe it'll be worth it
Shop IC EXP Dec 20 Credit was $150 max loss is also $150 Max gain will be $55 as its deltas are 0.28 and 0.16 I bought 2 spreads 245/250/335/340 Wide IC due to IV looks profitable. Risk is low, looks like it will trend down a bit.
TSLA debit spread 2.31 cost Exp dec 3rd Target gain is $100 max loss is also $100. Looks like a good flag. I have some ICs on this one at the 360 mark top side. Spread is 327.5/332.5
BA put Credit spread. 0.93 Credit 330/325 Max gain will be $50, max loss $100. Exp Dec 6, Delta 0.23/(0.18) Looks like a high probability trade but not much volatility, I should have done this a few days ago when it was at $340.
Since IV is high on tesla I'm putting on BOLD play. This looks like low risk high reward. 270/275/360/365 Iron Condor Exp Dec 20th. 3 spreads. Credit per spread was 1.43 5 point wide. Credit collected is $429 this will be my max loss. 30 delta call and 16 delta put I want to take my profits at around 30% max credit which will be $130 profit. This looks...
Call Credit spread Roku at the money, seems to slowly be losing power. Earnings are coming soon so this could end bad but we'll see how it pans out. 140/145 Exp Dec 6th. 2.28 Credit Max gain will be $115. max loss is $230.
Credit spread on PXD $1.48 Credit Exp Dec 6, Delta is 0.3497/(0.23) Its pretty bullish. I decided this could be a good trade. I'll take the added risk Max gain is $0.75 max loss is $150. Moving out of support pre-earnings.
NOW call spread 247.5/255 Cost of spread was $3.33 Max gain is 4.17. Target is $200 max loss is $150 if it goes lower Nov 29 is expiry. Looks good fell low but pulling back strong.
AYZ had a good earnings may move higher. Spread cost was $4.0 width is 10 points Max gain is gonna be $150 so I'm selling at 5.5 and max loss is $200 if it fails to move higher. Exp Dec 20. Tons of time. 100/110
Call Spread on CAT may move higher looking very strong. Call spread cost was 2.18 Max loss is $130 max loss is $100 Exp Nov 29. Call Spread is 141/146
Iron Fly I got a bad credit on it I should have tried for more, $7.20 credit and 280 max loss. 118/128/128/138 Dec 6th.. So the plan is to take a profit of at least 25% of the credit. Which is $180. Max loss is also $180. Delta's on the wings were pretty good around 0.25-.26 so this should be a decent trade and PXD doesn't move all that much after earnings.
NFLX looks pretty strong This was honestly too expensive of a spread but the trade is worth it 2.25/ 5points 290/295 Call Spread, Nov 29 exp. Max gain is 2.75 I want to exit the trade at 3.50 max loss is $100 Looks very probable.
Call Spread 347.5/355 Cost was 3.30 max gain is 4.2 Max loss is $150 max gain is $200. Dec 6 EXP, looks like it could move higher as 1 hour chart has a ascending triangle.
I haven't done a neutral strategy in awhile so lets go ahead and give this a shot, 180/190/190/200 Iron Fly, Credit collected was $800 max loss is $200. Max gain is $200 while max loss is $100 I plan to take a profit after 2-3 weeks if the position goes in my favor. Otherwise I'll leave the position and tax a loss at my target if it doesn't pan out. If the...