in gbpusd i make sell trade because i dont believe that market goes buy side so i place sell risk
ready for the dxy rally at short side that means sell on cable
in gbpusd scene 1 is for sell trade its for enough liquid cover by market so i expect scene 1 create there is high chance for sell by tier 1 so i expect sell trade but today is monday so probably scene 2 too create in market but there is 20% chance for scene 2 and scene 1 create by market has 80% chance so, i recommend scene 1.
in GBPUSD there is no more liquid for trade by tier 1 so i expect market get accumulated for liquid so today not tradable... all over market has not enough liquid its need more accumulate for trend.
auto move in buy side comes and market goes down, so i take sell trade after auto move comes..
in gbpusd market is in uptrend but right now market needs some discount price for buy trade so market i expect goes to discount price so market i expect move like premium to discount so now price at premium price so i trade sell side because for buy by tier 1 need discount price so i trade firstly sell and then buy ....
GBPUSD already in buy trend and there is enough liquid coming in market for trend and trend is already in buy trend so i expect buy trend run today so today is greatest day for buy GBPUSD..
we need to wait about confirmation of market trend because in the market for trend there is lack of liquidity so possible market get in accumulation phase then we decide where market goes which direction.. there is 50/50 chance of market get buy side or sell side..
in GBPUSD market goes buy side but before its comes to our level so i take risk buy side to that level and market is in acumulation phase..
in cable as i see market clear whole liquid for this week so today last day of week so i see that market need more liquid for shoot up side so as i see market get accumulated more liquid so may be its go for sideways and need discount price for shoot up..
GBPUSD still holding buy side by tier 1 so i risk only buy side ..
now its time to shoot up side so todays is greatest day for buy GBPUSD i already enter..
in gold firstly market is in already in down trend but after that market at previuos distribution its as i expect its reversal from low point so not as i expectmarket now in buy trend so i expect only buy tade so after market touch at my block then i trigger buy trade
in usdjpy market is in down trend and its go for down its touch my sell trend candle and make triangle nd dec oi so i expect down during oi inc and follow up with down trend as i expext
in eurusd market gets in reversal from buy to sell so i expext its go for sell on monday
in gbpusd market touch at buy trend candle and making zone and oi dec so i expct after oi inc market go in buy trend i want to tell u that eurusd and gbpusd is not move in correlation on monday because both is opposite side eurusd go in down trend and gbpuse go in up trend as i expect