Disclaimer. New to tradingview so I probably charted some wrong tickers against eachother.
The alledged sleeping giant. Network of networks; something w interop. and DLTs \/\("_")/\/ Accumulate in 2021 + give it some space for ~2-5 years = it'll give you some space back =) Source: CT (e.g. cryptonagato, omega, deadbingo), telegram quamfy OG's Let's talk ideas When commenting, please be clear on your frame: Your level of experience in...
- Accumulation round 3 - Fundaments alledgedly in check (source: couple of og's on CT, use case, partnerships etc) IDK tho Let's talk ideas When commenting, please be clear on your frame: Your level of experience in cryptoland (10y - 5y - 3y- 1y - new) Your trade style (only trading - swing - DCA hodler in x) Goals with htr (weeks- months - until bear - 1y -...
Let's talk ideas - KCS BNB ETH