Guys today i not give you any type of prediction but i share something with you if you start trading and new in market so do trading 1 day time frame first earn continuous in 1 day time frame then start tradind 5 min and 15 min chart frame start with swing trading ya positional trading this is best for begginers why beasue it is easy and executable and market all...
Friends GTO show double buy confermation first support 44 moving avrage and second showing a morning star and boom 1 day and 18 percent return this is a 1 day time frame and 2 buying conformation and 44 moving avrage rising and a osm support in 44 moving avrage and show a green candle and also morning star make some money thank you god bless you today i not tell...
Ens trying to create double bottem pattern this is 1 day time frame and ens take a support and going to trying moon and if hi is create a big green candle this is good sign to buy