Strong bearish signal for october until a stable bottom support. One of the patterns on the chart will be the trend to follow. If the first one happens i expect a 50% correction at the resistance levels shown or overbought to the blue line and support to break resistance early 2023. Its just an example of what could happen. Barnbridge has high potential for future...
april 26th i posted an idea about Apecoin current trading looks to be following the same style of trading. its just an idea that i am presenting. my opinion is not investment advice so don't follow my examples. every idea i post can be manipulated or break.
Earnings report Subscriber loss Overdue correction Poor management Cancelling Tv Shows Now Netflix new plan to generate more revenue is AD-supported low cost subscription plan. Now read the fine print on the plan. No download support and limited views of new releases. How is this a plan to generate more revenue and bring subscribers back. Who at Netflix comes up...
price alert went off and i went in with 20k and made 80% its been a slow day. took my quick profit no opinion on price movements no forcast given just sharing my trade and 24/7 alert status on current market conditions
I have been buying after the dip to .41 and will continue to buy whichever wave the traders decide to rally on. There are several prediction waves i am looking at. Could be rapid or could take several waves of support to reach a new all time high. The current market price is down 75% from the all time high and close enough to the low to perform an analysis. great...
Markets are looking extremely bearish. Researched trading on 20 exchanges to see what the supply and demand prices were. Extrapolated all the data i could with my own personal projections. Bear market is own track for my 8k target price. There is some bad news however. The market is showing some negative momentum for the longterm forcasts that i previously...
More bearish than anything right now. If your serious about trading. You should be using 3min and 15min charts with price alerts. wait patiently for a bullish divergence trade with caution take profits when momentum slows down i don't trade CAW This was a special request posting
There is no confidence in buying right now. I do not trade Floki so this just a preliminary analysis. I hope it helps. Special request posting.
Don't get caught in the middle of the panic storm brewing. The market has been so weak and the only time volitility kicks in is when bitcoin starts crashing. Its the same old mistake people make. Investing in losses to average. This is why i sell high and buy low. I stay away from the choppy trading. 8k to 12k is my buy zone and until then i am not buying.
facebook meta could go belly up from overspending and a complete business failure from lack of confidence from investors and business partners Meta could recover between 40 and 70. The forcast right now does not look good for Facebook META This could be the end of this company after having historical losses in a short amount of time. I personnally will never put...
Show your support if you want the next bull market to begin. If rally doesn't rally then the bull market probably won't happen anytime soon. I am putting the crypto market traders to a test. Rally crypto token is defined with a single word that everyone recognizes. Spread the word out there and see what the people want. If rally shows a powerful reversal upward...
Don't say it can't happen. It will happen. I have a very strong feeling bulls are going to jump on this hard when they see how easy this could be pumped. People are talking this morning... That all i am saying
I SOLD... I'm satisfied with my trades. I don't feel like trading anymore this week. Taking a 4 day weekend to do some camping. Good luck everyone
To be honest I don't really care about Facebook meta. Mark Zuckerberg is a dick and I don't really care for him either But over the years the stock performed well. I'm not speaking on Twitter until the ownership rights have been in the correct hands. I have my theories but I don't wish to share them at the moment.
Change only comes when an Innovator with intelligence makes it happen. Elon Musk knows exactly what he is doing. good luck Elon....
its an up and down market with traders fighting for gains. volitility is exciting when your in the green. When the losses start thats when volitily will cause a panic.
diesel supply shortage could cause a panic at the pump for gasoline in 2023. everyone knows what happens when you interrupt supply of fuel. supply will not meet the demand needed and the future cost per gallon will skyrocket again. start preparing for the worst everyone. long commuters need EV vehicles solar backup power conserve your fuel with alternative...
if you are up over 100% it would be wise to start taking profits before the bots hammer down on you before you get a chance.