Wait and watch. Rekout then take trade because I think this is going negetive for 5-8 day wish you logical trading
Long for long time wait for proper retest then take a proper trade
Hudge support for trade conformed frofitabale trade for 8days long position safe secure 2 percentage caught #ststahai
Ejjddjsksjsysjz. Sending d did dienw did rjd enxueb size. She. Dud did dud did siw r u in night. Dud did dndjdd d sjsnd did d dine did rru e shee ejdjfhbf t furniture fjrjr irrn rrbuf rudr rr fh rcu r dud r
Go long on usdinr for 10 days this market is going positive for next trading session it is positive with volume not wick in down of the candel go+++++