Model says markets are still to hott… S&P 500 still needs to drop -100 pts just to get near cooled off by ~ April 2
Looks like JPOW is about to drop markets into April 2nd. brschultzSP500
Get ready, JPOW is about to hammer the markets down once more into the March 28-31 low. brschultzSP500
looking for last final drop into March 31, then markets run up into April 18, Good Friday, He… is… Risen… Peak… In… Markets… brschultzSP500
still estimating a rangebound market into last days of March 2025. brschultzSP500
Wave 4 up here was about 200 pt pop up x 1.777 drop = -340 pt drop. From 5725 = ~ 5390 target
Guessing markets are near a top… and trending sideways to lower into March 28-31
Guessing we hit right near 5740 for todays high… then drop into March 28-31 low brschultzSP500
Markets stuck and going nose-wheres until Father’s Day low… so grab a drink & cigar… and enjoy the beach & waves lapping on the shore… markets ain’t going no… where brschultzSP500
JPOW keeps markets hamstrung into Father’s Day 2025 for macro wave 4 down from the March 2020 great reset… then macro wave 5 up into February 2028… then JPOW retires… then markets sink into late 2028 or early 2029… for macro decline wave 1… then wave 2 up into Sept 2030 macro grande cycle peak… then markets enter Great Depression caused by JPOW from 2020 thru...
Looks like range bound markets in model until we finally bottom on March 31 brschultzSP500
See sideways chop now into March 31st brschultzSP500
JPOW has owning 2020 thru current day has set up the Feb 2028 macro peak, the drop into late 2028 & early 2029, then up into Sept 2030, and the Great Depression of our time thru Labor Day 2034 brschultzSP500
Very possible that the fed crashes markets and then has Trump or JPOW speak at 2:30 on March 31st to juice stocks in the final hours of the qtr like 2022. brschultzSP500
when the Great Depression window hits from 2031-2034 understand it was designed mostly by JPOW & Bernanke… and no one else…. Oh, and 30 years of crooked politicians & free billion $$& giveaways to other nations for engineered wars. brschultzSP500
My prediction is that JPOW quits Fed role in early 2028 as he feels he has successfully set up the world markets for a Great Depression from late 2030 thru late 2034
Get ready for grande finale… not sure what JPOW has planned to collapse markets this Monday… lol brschultzSP500
March 17th low looks similar to Feb 3rd collapse in model so the Fed could very likely crash futures Sunday night. brschultzSP500