After some time of painting in larger supports and resistances, it occurred to me that they look to be almost equidistant in the logarithmic chart, like a chess board pattern. So I went back and tried to find other larger support and resistance lines which there are: 131.0, 209.0, 306.3, 470.5, 788.0, 1216.0, 1852.5, 2995.2, 4495.4, 5830.9, 8384.7, 11855.1,...
The long and steady decline the last months are very reminiscent of the one in 2014. This similarity became even more striking with the bounce after the sell-off deviating from the straight line down. If this fractal holds true, then in the near short-term, this latest rise might indeed be just a dead-cat bounce and there is still time up to May 2019 or so to...
Comparison shows that the rising support can be reasoned to be inflation. It is interesting that the supports are touched and therefore reinforced over decades. Also interesting: in logarithmic scale the supports seem to be almost equidistant. The factors between them are from bottom to top roughly: 1.73, 1.75, 1.87,1.91. Might be close to 1.618?
Next 40% crash might be inbound soon. Made this 3 days ago. Seems to fit rather well as it looks like a full bear time period was entered. I would wait to buy in again at 12-14k. My argument here is: history repeats itself. The very same structure of a bullish parabolic up followed by a less bullish and only a bit higher alltime high is the same as observed in May 2017.