i.imgur.com Layer 2 solutions are the next fad. DeFi and NFTs are so yesterday. We're in a race to see if ETH 2.0 comes out before MATIC moons, and BNB already mooned once, so... why not both? Buy cheap MATIC and sell it for BNB whenever you feel like it. Thank me later. This is not trading advice. This is just an Idea.
Here we have an interesting look at cboe.gold.price juxtaposed with a random crypto asset that i picked from my portfolio. This is NOT F****** trading advice. Anyway. SPARTAN PROTOCOL $SPARTABNB is a Decentralized Finance instrument. You all know what gold is. Everyone LOVES to spout pithy fake-wisdom about cliché trading diatribe. Not me. I'm not here to waste...
As Volume Profile continues to fill in the gaps (highlighted), some technical analysts are holding to an ultimate bottom of $956. I tend to favor markets with the most history and the Volume Profile doesn't lie about what price levels are weakest. I'm going to have to suggest that the bottom of the lowest Volume Profile weakness would correspond to $1180. This...
Currently sidelined institutional traders await word from the SEC. As the price slips further, noted weaknesses in the Volume Profile discourage serious bidding. Ultimate price bottom has been noted as low as $956, though the extreme scenario. There cannot be another serious bullish trend until this bottom end region of price is explored further. Some...