Well, so there is due dilligence: drive.google.com/file/d/1gnCGVGCu8mzzpcymeNuIBwokHDbsj_vC/view Here is an info about % stocks shorted daily: fintel.io/ss/us/zbisf I couldn't find anything against them. Just couldn't. Sundial debt payed off, what is there to lose?
After Serinus started drill in Moftinu-1008 well in Romania 6-fold price anomaly between LSE and NY vs Warsaw Stock Exchange in prices of the same stock of Serinus Energy Ltd. On LSE for 3.7 penny and on GPW for 21.9 pennies. Same ISIN: JE00BF4N9R98, official info on the company page with the confirmation of the fact. On GPW it's treated as a liquid stock, it's...
The Rockbridge fund heavily shorts it. Here is a register of only the large (above 0.2 %) shorts sold by Polish stock exchange (the one which starts from G): rss.knf.gov.pl/RssOuterView/ These are just shorts sold by Warsaw Stock Exchange. Below numbers assume that only these exist, which is not true. You have individual shorts, institutional shorts below 0.2%,...