This is not an investment advice. Do your own Research. Something smelling strange, I don't know what the excuse will be, maybe the low spread between interest Brazil x USA, or something else. I don't like to say that something will go up when it is already close to the ath, seems to be Perhaps this market is tired of trading in this range.. looking...
Wege3 was in a big hype, everyone was talking about it. It looked like a tech company: "the only way is up". Now it looks like crypto volatility, but nobody says anything about it. Anyway, as mglu3, I would buy if it came close to 40% of the all time high.
mdia3, meal3, mglu3, neoe3, odpv3, pomo4, sbsp3, vlid3 part2 Some assets forgotten in the bull market with a good risk-return ratio (in my point of view) mdia3 is close to support, and recently gots close to the minimun of the coronacrash. meal3 is moving sideways since the coronacrash, allowing good trades in the area mglu3 I would buy under the all time high...
BBAS3, BKBR3, BRML3, BRSR6, COGN3, IRBR3, EMBR3, ITSA4 Some assets forgotten in the bull market with a good risk-return ratio (in my point of view) bbas3 is close to support bkbr3 broke support but recovered, showing that there is no motivation to fall (apparently) brml3 left behind during the quarantine, tends to get into hype with the reopening of malls. brsr6...
It's looking like a forgotten asset, in the middle of a bull market. It seems to me a good risk return, in favor of probability
Anyone can say it will rise, or it will fall With my experience I say that it may go up, or it may go down. After a lot of study, very much, I say that it may be that I stand aside I believe it will consolidate like it did back in 2019.
20k coming in next week, and probably will close something like a doji candle The following week to the next, it maybe returns to the opening of this week's candlestick, to find the weekly mm9 that i imagine will already be above 15k (next to the opening of the current candle) Then, let it spend a few weeks volatilizing above 15k, to wait for mm21 mm9 of the...
BTCUSD - Chineses Pump or Slow Die pattern
USDBRL - Highest monthly close ever The Cup and Handle is happening
TEND3 - Fibonacci Uptrend Channel
BTCUSD - Regression Trend Tool Study Let's see how it will work
BTCUSD Three Drives Pattern - Downtrend Channel Follow the channel till it breaks
Clearly the historical LTA has been broken and tested from below. A new trend will probably start from here, which may be neutral or bearish. Neutral trend would be a large lateralization above 3k - Pay attention to 6k support. Bearish would be to complete C wave reaching around 1.2k It's beautiful to see the elliot pattern working so well. I was hoping it...
BTCUSD x Gold Periods Comparison Looking for periods and duration patterns
BTCUSD x Gold Elliot Waves Elliot waves theory and Fibonacci levels
SLCE3 3rd elliot wave - long term