gold or silver spot looking very bullish zone due to trump tariff or geopolitical tension there are 2 ideas with chart. 1---- gold spot abv 3060 looks 3100-3150$ near terms support 3045$ 2----- silver spot abv 33.50 looks 35--38$ near terms support 32.50 in mcx expect 89800+++ silver 105000--108000 near terms expect looks buy on dips with support sl -- all...
nifty index bounce back 1500+++ point from low side now trading 23720@ yes hit uper resistance 23858@ sustain blow 23700 or close blow looks slide down fall 23500-370++++ trading ideas for edu pur.-- sell 23720 blow sl 23898 tgt 23500-370 expect
last week fear of trade war gold silver sky rock now trading in small range yes we will discuss first gold likely based on chart---- support find 2980-79 if sustain blow than dwn side tgt 2970--65 expect where 2995 uper hurdel abv may be soon 3000--3$ yes abv 3010 looks soon 3050+++++ no if and but. where silver find support 33.55 if sustain blow than looks dwn...
yes after heavy correction looks like up side at bottom side I think must consider at buy for sharp reversal . buy ofss 7950 abv tgt 8200 sl expect with range 7800 buy bjaja auto 7450 sl 7300 tgt 8000 let see what happens in next 2-3 days
spot gold sustain blow 2880 looks dwn fall 2865--45--30$ where hurdel 2910$ abv some bounce back here in mcx blow 85200 dwn only 84700-550 or blow 84500 looks 83000+++ very soon hurdel 85972@-- last report gvn 86222 cls base sl gvn pls check
copper watch 762@ as per recent weekly high low retrace if mkt stya blw thna nxt dn side expect 740--718 possible or mkt come dwn or hold abv 762@ than mkt dedicate bounce 800-813 thna after new high possible dontmiss it breakout
zinc eyes on 242.90- if stya blw or close bwl 2 days than nxt dwn move expect 233--226++++ already made double top or going to down here--- or suppose mkt hold 242.90 thna mkt dedicate bounce back expect 249--51+++
nifty index today now looking trap mode only---- have to watch 24400 if stya abv thna mkt expect up side 24495---580++++++ where support 24200 if stya blw thna nxt dwn side move expect 24108--23998--900 yes ultimate tgt 23700 soonnn-------------------------- over all mkt comes up or hold blw 24350--330 thna can take chnce sell with 24411 sl or let see wht happend
gold spot eye on 2417 if stya blw thna nxt dwn side 2411--2406 in mcx stya blw 69500 stya blw dwn side looks 69356-320 or blw 69300 dwn side 69110-69003 expect --- gold now small hurdle 69799 abv only more fire other wise dwnnn
crude almost make new low near double bottom noe styaa bv 6130 looks up side till 63-6500 buy on dips sl with 6045
mcx silver stya abv 83800 look zoom till 84300--85000 near buy on dipsssss with tight sl 83111 or let seeee
gold stya abv 68950 in psot looks abv 2420 firing modee only buy on dips with sl 2410 in mcx sl 68700 or letsee wht move in interday pattern
gold has strong support 2390 if stya blw than nxt dwn dwn side expect 2380--2365++++ where 2415 hurdel abv mkt revert. in mcx stya blw 72700 looks dwn fall regular till 72590-300 expect where 73300 abv mkt zoom again
yes copper melted like ice bwl 860 hope u enjoyed now double bottom support looks 830 near if mkt hold abv than again dedicate bounce expect till 850-60++++++ or if break this pattern than more slide will continue dontmiss this pattern
zinc stya blw 270 looks dwn fall267.80--264++++++ sell on rise with sl 272.40 gvn triple bottom support broken now
yes gold abv 2375 hit journey 2450 almost now eyes on 2452 if stya abv or close abv 2 days than will 2500 near soon have patience where support 2420--2415 now only blw may be some correct. till 2403--2390$. in mcx 73550 abv no worry for bull till 74400--75k blw 73550 may be correct will start
alert!!! silver sl chart base 91780 ---- if find any dwn side can buy silver or silvermini --- for tgt 95-97k risk reward-- 1000-800 point sl tgt 2-4k-- which u expect in any dwn side u can take chance keep tight sl or let see wht nxt in coming session
support 6700 blw expect dwn fall 6670-6628 where hurdel ressta. 6786 abv may again test 6814--6840+++++ in rude spot 80$ support if stya blw thna nxt dwn fall 79.30--78.70 where hurdel ressta 81.55 for nxt up side till 82.20--83$