yada yada loomda ok so these lines are nodes and anti nodes. They are, let's say catalysts. They can help increase volatility when the price reaches them / when two lines cross,
same as before I guess lol
Yeah, floor been tested alot of times, add in bullish AF weekly candle and I believe we have the fuel for a new local weekly high. I expect the major move will be monday.
BBRY are reentering the smartphone market, that's almost a given, coupled with their large amounts of cash, patents and investments I believe that BBRY as a company will return to their previous heights.
aslong as that blue line isn't broken expect the price to touch atleast the first 3 lines (and maybe maybe maybe touch the $315)
Just a reference for a template for future potential price action
Just try get in and out before the USD starts mooning again is my suggestion
When I return to trading in a few months I'll return proper, but for now make due with these dodgy graphs ;) macd turned green for 1d, hoping for some nice upium
These are some upwards lines, hoping we get some touching and bouncing for the next few days
I don't know how to use fanns or retracements yet, but 273 looks like a big number.