LTC is showing nice EMA/SMA weaving, and nice volatilty, two day period. I can assume that LTC watchers also trade BTC, and like to dabble in LTC when BTC slows down, and have a few hours to spare (or in this case, a day or two to allow BTC to attract buyers). Since ETH and LTC are behaving nicely, this comes amidst the BTC fear-fest, as the forks calls off. I am...
If LTC wants to warm up while BTC simmers, I am all for it
VIX is up today, which in our thesis means that BTC must slow down (VIX and BTC move asymptotically, long term). However, there is likely a few day's wait, going laterally util our friend pops up again, just look at the last week. BTC moving sideways is dangerous, intraday, but worth a few painful days' wait. Just to be clear, we are day traders in the space, and...