rolled into 555-559 CALLZ for next week at support, awful call overnite, my bad. loaded up our favz UPST KSS ELF and started GOOGL NKE ANF
love this setup, left for dead with heavy accumulation, cheap stonk. posted thu entry on tweeter yesturday
no position but 111 mandated gapfill iz thu bottom for now, 110 CALLZ shud print from here
cuvered short 2 early az u know by now, not thu 1st time lol. back long at thu mandated gapfill now at lower trendline az VISA continuez higher. also long KSS, ELF, ANF, UPST posted on twitter before
sold PUTS here, Visa iz goin up all mornin long, thing never liez. back in KSS CALLZ also
we hit 1st bounce target, if we break thru this next iz 320 at thu .326, not "if" but "when". expect sum turbulence at this 1st bounce level 285
wee warned about thu distribution on twitter this mornin, UPST has been red all mornin long which iz our top indicator thu past year and NVDA also red. eyein 570 on thu retrace, we loaded sum 580 PUTS 5.40
shaved 50% here at mandated gapfill, still seein distribution here and in NVDA
by law, bouncez alwayz hit at thu very least 50%, thu 2nd target reemainz 575 at thu .382 retrace at thu least. wee have uh longgggggg way ta go back up az moronz realize thu world iznt ending, alotta panic buying this week. we're holdin 555 CALLZ from friday till we hit target
unusual accumulation at thu 2 year lowz here, went long finally, cheap stonk...
unusual distribution today, we'll b sellin on any gap up 2morrow mornin if they indeed gap it up
accumulation on thu DAILY iz still sittin in thu upper 590z. while it may take uh while 2 reesolve, until this indicator starts fallin, thu price will eventually match accumulation. on thu 30min-1hr az posted this mornin, we have yet 2 see much yet. thu point of this iz dont Xpect an overnite miracle, go in mid April CALLZ, time iz ur friend in this market. but,...
unusual accumulation sittin at ATHs. this iz 1 reazon wee know thu markets bottomed. wuznt gunna give this away but keep an eye on it
wee alerted yesturday to lock in profits at gap reesistance az wee didnt see any accumulation yet. this iz uh scalperz market alwayz lockin in 50% on pops. back long 555 CALLZ here starter
we took 50% profits at resistance again, buyin any dip till 565-566 target still, we've started thu "world iz ending" bounce finally...
1st bounce target reemainz around 280 in turdsla, 220 wuz probably thu bottom for 2025, thu chart on this thing iz almost az hilarious az thu RH chart...
accumulation still reemarkable sittin around 125+ on this thing, dont Xpect much further downside for uh while