I originally entered an SPY Covered Call to experience chasing an ITM call higher in SPY. Originally buying SPY at $521.59 and selling 500 call was for max protection against any near term drops. The original Max gain of $2.85/share translated into 0.18% gain per week against the $497.15 cash capital required to take the trade. Currently, with two dividends...
This is a trade I've held for a while. I did this with a couple of WMT covered call trades I made and simply felt like sharing this trade. I will do my best to update this as I roll from this point forward. I will also try to share if I enter a second SPY ITM covered call. No commission will be recorded, only trade prices.
Testing assorted points placed on chart to represent covered calls I'm taking. Each point is the break-even price of each position. By hovering over a point, details of each trade will be given. Some points are connected to other points. These lines are Rollout trades where new calls were sold.
I am still holding my original WMT shares form my first covered call series of trades and hope to continue that trade soon with a new call. This trade is a second position of the same caliber. I bought 100 more share of WMT at $128.52, and sold a 128 call with expiration of 3/12/21 for a credit of $2.30 last week. Break even for the trade is currently $126.46...
Been holding this trade for a few weeks now. This is my first post related to options trading. I'm using the lines to show a visual of how selling a Call has helped create a range of profitability and risk management. GREEN LINE - Max Profit - This green line is in relation to the original share price entry point, the Call strike price, plus any premium...
I've gotten sucked into creating the script for this study and lost track of my reasons for creating it in the first place. I was playing around with the idea of comparing weekly/monthly candles sizes seasonally/YoY (however that is stated). I'm running out of time to publish this study. I promised a 6 yr old I would go outside with him. Good...
This is a supplemental chart to the following post: Part 3 - How to Protect - Cover the Position ngetf.com This article is a continuation of a series where I've been exploring options to improve upon the idea of shorting UGAZ. Rather than just short the ETF alone and protect against a move backward, I am looking for a way to cover the short position by taking...
This is a supplemental chart to the following post: Part 2 - How to Protect ngetf.com In the above post, I use the UGAZ chart to find the worst case scenario for shorting. In the first 371 days from Dec 21, 2017 to Jan 3, 2020, a short position will see the largest move UGAZ has ever made against a short position. In the next 371 days, the same UGAZ short...
This is a supplemental chart to the following post: Part 1 - The Dangers ngetf.com In this chart I've shown a short-and-hold with annual gains vs backward movements against potential short positions. I'm being quite conservative with the gains and as extreme as possible with the hazards of shorting UGAZ. The bulk of this idea is published in the blog.
Just looking for a bounce around 2.28 on Jan contract. read about at ngetf.com This is my first post and I need to get in the kitchen and cook some bacon and eggs. so long